Monday, March 28, 2005

hurts knee my, hurts knee my,
oh how hurts knee my...

no warning that fateful day,
when playing with my dog KJ,
i performed the asian squat,
and my trusty left knee gave way

it was not that bad at first,
but oh how i am cursed,
standing 8 full hours at work,
quenching the peoples' thirst

when i got home that night,
my knee was feeling not-quite-right,
i decided just to sleep it off,
and bandage it nice and tight

alas, fast forward to now,
where walking brings sweat to my brow,
i wish this would heal,
i'd even strike a deal,
to make my knee better somehow

Friday, March 25, 2005

Good Day

Good Friday everyone, how's it going? Good?

**********************Warning Spoiler Ahead********************

Okay that was silly, but not as silly as Erin's comment on The Apprentice. One that got her FIRED! This is the lowdown:
The Donald: ...and then George and Carolyn are saying "Oh I think Angie is wonderful" Okay, I can listen to them though.
Erin: Do you have to? (Mischievous wink)
Donald: No, I really don't, but I'm going to...You're a real wise-guy you know that?
Carolyn: That was a dumb statement.
Erin: Oh no, I was asking if you know...
Carolyn: That was a dumb statement.
George: Yeah.
Donald: No but you are a wiseguy, there's no question about it...You know what Erin, you're fired.

And there it more token hottie on The Apprentice. After last week, when my tip for this season's Apprentice winner, John, was fired I was definitely sad to see Erin go. She was almost equivalent to my Mandy Moore-level for a chick! She was like 26, a top corporate attorney, a former beauty queen, dark hair...why oh why. I guess it was stupid to undermine George and Carolyn like that in front of them, just to suck up to The Donald...

In other news, Arrested Development is still delivering with this week's episode seeing Job fire his brother Michael only for Job to get kicked out of the building by a security guard whom he performed magic on earlier and ripped off half his tie! Haha but then Michael gets Job to help his son, George-Michael win a student election, only for Job to end up heckling another candidate "the Indian guy" by yelling out after the video presentation, "Go home you terrorist! You're not wanted here!" followed by "Shouldn't you have made that video in a cave!?" Haha so wrong...loves it!

Speaking of loving it, Paris and Nicole are well on their way across America in The Simple Life: Interns. This week they worked in a bakery and totally fluffed everything up, including one instance where they put all this powdered sugar into an industrial sized mixer, without the required water, and turned it on...only for all the powder to *poof* everywhere! Haha...

On The OC Josh Schwartz is bringing back good memories as Season 2 is becoming more and more Season 1-esque. I won't break into it too much because a lot of people are still behind. I know a lot of people hate Season 2 but have faith! Apparently Fox just signed them up for a 3rd season so looks like we'll be seeing a lot more of Ryan, Marissa, Seth and Summer in the future!

That 70s Show is back in business too and I found the last scene to be the funniest, with Kelso and Fez looking to rent together.
Fez: Here's two bedrooms with one-and-a-half baths.
Kelso: Half bath? How's the water stay in?
Fez: Alright here's one with a dishwasher...
Kelso: Uhh...I don't want another foreigner living with us

Haha okay so there's a lot of TV there. Better get back to those graduate applications!

PS. I've received some complaints about my last post. In my defence, at least I referenced! It was more of a tribute to everyone else's blogs. I didn't really have anything interesting to say - that, or I couldn't be ratted thinking hard enough. Hey, I did what any resourceful uni student would off their mates haha cheers!

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Today I watched the Delta movie...yes, I know people are now doing the loser sign to me in their minds but hey - can I help it if I love my pop? hahhaa, anyways, it was a good movie (albeit very long) about a young man who liked sleeping with his step mother and had to marry his cousin/step sister (his aunty also married his step dad) to cover up the disgrace of her falling pregnant to her father/his step dad.

Ok cut the crap. Yo Niggaz must be curious in what someone does hibernating inside his house for 3 weeks. Let me tell u this. On the 16th of Jan, I had a full tear of my bloody ATCL (some ligament in my ankle) which left me with a bruised foot and an ankle the size of a tennis ball. I actually woke up at 5am, and lay there in the darkness with little LED's shining from my various electronic gadgets, creating a star like experience which I just totally absorbed.

The air felt a little dry in St.Albans this arvo - so I walked out to the front of my house waiting for a free ride opportunity. It didn't take long, and I soon found myself on a home-made lawnmower-engine-run scooter that some grade four kid on the street happily let me borrow after I bashed him. I rode past without bothering to do anything, but as I approached the pedestrian crossing, another Civic sedan, this time, a champagne coloured new model, was encroaching on the bike path, and as I was side by side with it, it moved forwards and continued to veer into my path. I quickly braked and slapped the side of the car, and when it veered back into it's own lane, I passed, and shook my head at the occupants (who were a little startled) and the driver. The car then caught up to me, the driver motioned me to wait, so I stopped, and then the driver, a middle-aged European woman, got out of her car to see if I had actually damaged her car or anything.

While we were waiting there were a bunch of Asian people, all these women just come up to me, lift up their tops and show me their bra!! Note we're not even in change rooms, just in the public on the floor area! Usually they're looking for the same one, or they're just showing me because "it's soooo comfortable and it's the BEST bra" as if i were really interested. But don't worry fellas, you aren't missing out because none of the women up til now have been HOT. They're usually the mid aged ones.... *shudders*. There was this middle aged man and he was squatting. All of a sudden I just pictured that sweaty Asian man in a singlet, shorts, scruffy hair, dodgy thongs (NOT havianas ones) a ciggy in one hand and speaking some Asian language really loudly. What's with that squat? Sometimes, you just feel the need to tell people the truth, just to shut them up. But then, honestly, it's your own life and why should they be the ones who dictate who knows what. As Sonny Liston declared, "yeh just keep talking, I'm gonna F**K YOU UP!"

Cao, A. "Diary of Baby Funkster - Hating Alison Ashley" Melbourne; 2005

Chan, A. "thoughts of a professional student - jan dara and the synchrotron" Melbourne; 2005

Chan, N. "nates mates - Watch out for cyclists, please." Melbourne; 2005

Cheng, C. "Carol's Blog - Love, Angel, Music Baby hehe - The Asian Squat" Melbourne; 2005

Chow, C. "catchow @ Mindsay - i love MYER" Melbourne; 2005

Hui, B. "Ben's Pravda - Return of the King" Melbourne; 2005

Lam, M. "Chops' Rant - Nearly there" Melbourne; 2005

Mahendran, S. "The Slog (SLAk Blog) - The serotonin cycle" Melbourne; 2005

Ta, S. "2004/2005 San Fran Trip - Scooting down memory lane..." Melbourne; 2005

Tang, J. "Escapades of Julz - Rumours will be rumours" Melbourne; 2005

Monday, March 21, 2005

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy

Today was a good day.

Woke up early feeling very tired but grateful to see a friendly face, namely Ann, to pick me up to go to church. Got to share a particular peculiar dream I had last night which brought about some early morning cheer to us both.

Church service was pleasant and happy to hear Daniel's sermon seeing as he had told us in Bible Study that he was feeling somewhat apprehensive about it, without needing to be - it was amusing in a Daniel-kinda way hehe. Went to Vacation Bible School (VBS) meeting and now feel very motivated to help in some way.

Had Suzuran for lunch with Anna, Ann and Julz at some park in Camberwell. Very satisfying. Then off to Victoria Square Gardens (VSG) b/c Anna had to give her IKEA discount to a friend from Deloitte.

Got home and the four of us watched "Pootie Tang" which was relatively amusing. Went to nap after the movie then woke up to find out Ann and Julz had left - apologies for not having manners to see you guys off.

Parents call later and tell me to drive down to Narre Warren Megamart to help carry home a new HDTV Plasma-screen TV. Happily obliged, even though Anna drove. Spent the rest of the night setting it up. Loves it!

Friends, God, food, laughs and a big-screen TV.

Today was a good day.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

The 4 Stooges

It's official people, I have bloggers block. Right now, I don't know what this blog is going to be about so don't expect anything. Furthermore, it's almost 1am in the morning and I have a pressing issue on my mind...which is work at 12pm tomorrow, or should I say today.

I'm writing in here, despite the odd hour and having absolutely nothing engaging to say because I don't want my blog to die! I don't want it to be just another statistic. I had so many hopes and dreams for this blog but alas, 'tis not to be. If I were to blog only quality posts, I reckon I'd have like 4 posts in here haha.

But enough of that. I'll just outline what's on my mind and hopefully that'll keep you critics at bay.

Firstly, it's that time in my life where I'm starting to make inroads into proper adulthood, not the supposed adulthood that you think you reach when you're 18 or 21, s**t dude, that's nothing compared to when you actually have to think about working full time. That's where I'm at.

Today I spent most of the day looking at more companies and starting those online applications, uploading my resume and gifting away my personal details. It seems almost an anticlimax of sorts because when you're in high school thinking, "One day I'm going to be working and earning heaps of money" you tend to imagine walking in a crisp business suit into a sleek-looking office building amongst hundreds of alpha males and females dressed in black on 6-figure salaries. Then you get into uni and although you pretty much still have the same vision, you get that much more apprehensive about facing "the real world". Apprehensive because you realise that soon, maybe not now, maybe not for a few years, you will be thrown into the rat race, far away from the comfort zone that is hanging out with mates during the day, having breaks when you want to and getting your mum to write you a sick note if you're not feeling up for it.

Now back to my earlier observation about the application being an anticlimax. The point I'm trying to make is that I think we often forget what happens in between. Looking forward to a life of luxury certainly didn't show me how many hours of study and stress I had to endure, not to mention the arduous recruitment process and having to do the "corporate mingle" to make sure top management recognise you. Personally, even if I make it in the end and have a comfortable life, where's the sense in being financially free to do whatever you please when you're too old to enjoy it? That sucks.

So to further compound the misery I've so far managed to heap on you, I will offer you a pessimistic theory that life has 4 stages:

1. S**t all
This is when you're an infant. All you do is, well pretty much s**t all. And s**t...all over the place.
2. Fun and games
I am departing here very soon, basically encompasses primary school, high school and uni where you develop your character and get the chance to be wild.
3. The slog
Hard work. The "end of days" if you will. Everything from here on is like black and white TV, while you have your moments, there's nothing that can replace colour.
4. Death preparation
After you retire from work, all you're really doing is slowing down to get ready for bed...the death bed. So long, farewell, it's time to say goodnight.

Anyway, I'm really buggered now. Apologies for the sombre nature of this entry, say hi to your mum for me.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Most Memorable Moment in the Past 12 Months

This week gone past has been pretty hectic for me and you can probably guess as much from the lack of blogging both in terms of amount and quality. I spent a lot of the time running errands, tying up loose ends and finalising things, as well as beginning to apply for graduate jobs(!!!).

It took me about 3 hours alone just to check out company profiles and their application due dates. You could imagine what a horrendous task lies ahead then, when I tell you that each application will take about an hour on average to be good enough to submit. Going through this task required me to refer many times to my five or so vacation work applications I did last year to help streamline the process. While doing so, it occurred to me that you are never pleased with what you wrote in the past and I guess that applies to my blogs also, there have been many a time where I went back to read one of my previous posts and thought "The hell???"

One glaring (and somewhat comical) example outdid all other contenders for being share-worthy in this blog. Here is that short piece from my vacation work application to PwC last year in response to the request, "Please describe your most memorable moment in the past 12 months."
Over the past year, I have mainly concentrated on academic studies, however during the summer holidays, I was able to find time to spend a week with friends at Apollo Bay. Personally, this was a very memorable experience because of its intrinsic worth, not just as a holiday, but time to learn more about myself and my friends outside of our normal lives. Two of the afternoons were spent climbing a mountain we had earmarked on the way to our beach house as a challenge for all to take. We had initially decided to climb the second highest peak of those ranges, but on arrival there, we pushed on. It was through this determination that we finally came to the very top of the mountain and looked upon the beach town with a sense of accomplishment. There, we dug a hole and placed so called “words of wisdom” in a time capsule, vowing to come back and read what we had written years before. The trek up the mountain was wrought with difficulty, many a thorn-bush drawing blood from our friends and large potholes looking more ominously like snake enclaves. After we climbed back down, we washed up and sat in relative silence pondering our achievement. At this point, I believe we all realised the importance of working as a team, perseverance and having aspirations as key ingredients to climbing any mountain in our lives.

Haha (scoff). How corny. Great if I was posting a blog but yea, no wonder I didn't get through...

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Confessions of an Heiress Hater

Over the last few nights I have been slowly converted to believe that the notorious Paris Hilton, for all her naughty antics, is not just a slutwhoreattentionseekingsorryexcuseforarichbitch. Now, those of you that don't know who she is well, where the hell have you been?! Hehe but really, all you have to know is that she's an heiress of the Hilton Hotel chain, and she pretty much lives it up by partying heaps and having her own show - the one where she lives with common folk and works for low pay...NOT the night-vision one haha. So after much wise counsel with my sources and thorough research (orright I just read her book) I have much more respect for her than I used to (which, btw, was basically close to nothing).

I must admit, I used to be one of the critics saying that by her sleeping around and doing all this crazy shite meant she was out of control and flaunting her wealth. What I failed to recognise however, is that I'd much rather an heiress who keeps it real and is herself than the pretenders who act as if life is all about being prim and proper and being boring. Sure, Paris definitely pushes the envelope from time to time, but haven't we all? The only reason why she's so publicly scorned and we're not is that, as Paris puts it, no one cares what we do. I think a major reason why everyone heaps so much crap on her is because we're jealous that she can get away with it all. But hey, she can't help being born into a wealthy family. Paris says it how it is and lives life like everyone wants to.

Yes, yes, I also hear some of you arguing, "She hasn't got any ambition," and "She's just living off her inheritance." Well, I had that qualm about her too, I mean, no respect for someone who's just going to play all her life and not have to work for anything, but on the contrary, our little Paris has been busy of late undertaking projects such as filming "The Simple Life," starting her own line of clothing and recording an album. I mean, even if they do turn out shite, at least she gave it a go - c'mon, snaps for trying. (Legally Blonde fans, click your hearts out hehe)

In her book, "Confessions of an Heiress" Paris explains how to be an heiress and gives insightful points about dress sense, social rules and general tips. Even though some of the guidelines are a bit silly, it epitomises Paris' mentality, to not take things too seriously. Given her exploits at high profile parties, what would happen if she accidently fell over and made a fool of herself? "Just laugh at yourself," she says, "If you get embarrassed, it will only make the situation worse." I believe there are many young girls out there who idolise Paris and why shouldn't they? She exhudes self esteem, confidence and has a fun-loving personality, she's not on drugs and doesn't drink very often (instead she tells us that she only has energy drinks and vitamin water at parties to keep herself looking alive even into the wee hours of the morning), she doesn't project violent images and is also a strong advocate for the protection of animals. Let's face it, kids these days could do a lot worse.

So all in all, even though she'd probably be a bit of a hostile b***h because of all the press and who she is (I mean if I were famous I wouldn't just be friends with anyone coz chances are they'd roll me for money), I say, props to her for being her. Respect.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Arrested Development

Well it's been a week since I last posted and I've got blogger's block again. As such, I'll rip off some quotes from an episode of "Arrested Development" I watched recently...hehe for all you dirty minds out there, feast on this action! Hehe smut is always good.

"I'm afraid I prematurely shot my wad on what was supposed to be a dry run, if you will, so now I'm afraid I have something of a mess on my hands"
"Just that there's so many poorly chosen words in that sentence..."

"...I'll tell you, you can sink your arrow into my buttocks anytime"
"Okay, you know what you should do? You should buy yourself a tape recorder, you just record yourself for a whole day, I think you'd be surprised at some of your phrasing."

"Well Michael, you certainly didn't help my reputation as a ladies man with Jeff, but we'll clear all that up in the spa when I get my facial"
"Did you ever get that tape recorder?"

Tobias listens to day's worth of his own words to see what Michael was referring to.
"Even if it means me taking a chubby, I will suck it up." "Nothing wrong with that."
"Oh I've been in the film business for a while but I just can't seem to get one in the can." "It's out of context."
"I wouldn't mind kissing that man between the cheeks, so to speak"
And he realises there is something distinct about the way he speaks,
" blow hard!"