Tuesday, June 30, 2009


well it's the end of another financial year, even though it doesn't really hold much significance for me other than waiting for a big payload after i file my tax return.

been up to a few things recently. i can now bake and cook a few things and i've begun to understand the other side of the culinary experience. where i once only saw, smelt, tasted and touched, i've slowly grasped the gist of what cooking is - the creation of an experience by methodical mixing of food. i knew theoretically what worked and what didn't - too salty, smooth texture etc etc. but im starting be more precise with my diagnosis - a little more garlic, some paprika seasoning, too much chicken broth, more maple syrup.

ironically it was my first 3-course meal i cooked late December last year that still impresses me the most - shiitake mushroom omelette, crispy skin pork belly stuffed with apple, grilled fig topped with brown sugar and dessert wine. beginner's luck i think.

i've also forayed a little further into painting, although my first decent "work of art" still eludes me. my latest trial is below.

hopefully i'll have more to post soon. happy eofys.