Saturday, January 29, 2022

It ain’t right

Wide awake at 7am on a Saturday. That kinda ain’t right. 

Been wide awake since 3:30am. That ain’t right.

Had a Valerian Forte tablet at 3:30 to get me to ease into sleep but had no effect. That really ain’t right.

Now tossing up whether to torpedo my day’s plans by taking mixing prescription Temazepam and another Valerian so I can get some sleep. That definitely ain’t right. 

Key action taken: jump on the phone and blog. That’s just wrong. 

Have a great day! 😁

Thursday, January 13, 2022


So looks like I’ve caught the dreaded virus. Feeling pretty average like I have a pretty bad flu, having to nap each day, and headaches. Said headaches = loss of appetite. 

Never have I felt a lone piece of broccoli to be such a Goliath-like adversary.

Sunday, January 09, 2022

Guess who's back? Back again...

Once again inspired to kick start this ol' thang. It began as I sat with two friends in particular this week who have a zest for life and a passion for what they want to do. I suppose they were infectious (can I make that joke even in early 2022?). 

So, is there a mission or vision? Do I have a purpose? A goal perhaps? Of course I do!

The aim is for me to properly digest some of what's going on in my noggin so that I can clarify better what I want to do creatively. Maybe that's continue this blog. Maybe that's make more YouTube videos. Maybe it's learning how to paint (probs not tho). 

Either way, just like a good and straightforward movie there should be a clear beginning, middle, and end (take note David Lynch).     

For now, it's family time as we've just arrived for a week's holiday in Point Lonsdale (the good Lord knows we need it!). Ciao!

Good start so far - at lunch we turned the place upside down