Saturday, March 12, 2005

Most Memorable Moment in the Past 12 Months

This week gone past has been pretty hectic for me and you can probably guess as much from the lack of blogging both in terms of amount and quality. I spent a lot of the time running errands, tying up loose ends and finalising things, as well as beginning to apply for graduate jobs(!!!).

It took me about 3 hours alone just to check out company profiles and their application due dates. You could imagine what a horrendous task lies ahead then, when I tell you that each application will take about an hour on average to be good enough to submit. Going through this task required me to refer many times to my five or so vacation work applications I did last year to help streamline the process. While doing so, it occurred to me that you are never pleased with what you wrote in the past and I guess that applies to my blogs also, there have been many a time where I went back to read one of my previous posts and thought "The hell???"

One glaring (and somewhat comical) example outdid all other contenders for being share-worthy in this blog. Here is that short piece from my vacation work application to PwC last year in response to the request, "Please describe your most memorable moment in the past 12 months."
Over the past year, I have mainly concentrated on academic studies, however during the summer holidays, I was able to find time to spend a week with friends at Apollo Bay. Personally, this was a very memorable experience because of its intrinsic worth, not just as a holiday, but time to learn more about myself and my friends outside of our normal lives. Two of the afternoons were spent climbing a mountain we had earmarked on the way to our beach house as a challenge for all to take. We had initially decided to climb the second highest peak of those ranges, but on arrival there, we pushed on. It was through this determination that we finally came to the very top of the mountain and looked upon the beach town with a sense of accomplishment. There, we dug a hole and placed so called “words of wisdom” in a time capsule, vowing to come back and read what we had written years before. The trek up the mountain was wrought with difficulty, many a thorn-bush drawing blood from our friends and large potholes looking more ominously like snake enclaves. After we climbed back down, we washed up and sat in relative silence pondering our achievement. At this point, I believe we all realised the importance of working as a team, perseverance and having aspirations as key ingredients to climbing any mountain in our lives.

Haha (scoff). How corny. Great if I was posting a blog but yea, no wonder I didn't get through...


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