Sunday, February 20, 2005

California Dreaming

Okay, I've gotta make this a quickie coz if your memory serves you correctly, I do have an exam tomorrow! Why am I posting this then? Was that a rhetorical question? Was that a rhetorical question? Was all three of...ah shuddup.

Erm okay I dunno if I'm going to be doing this all the time now, but I had some pretty interesting dreams last night as well! And I remember them! Are you guys reading this and thinking "Poor Greg, he only posts on his dreams now because his sense of reality is failing him."? Was that a rhetorical question? No, and the last one wasn't either because I answered it with no! Haha yes, I know you guys are like "What the hell is he on???" (I'm on bloody options, futures and fowards) but I'm a bit loco because for the last 4 days I've been giving my brain such a workout on friggen the black-scholes option pricing model, merton's continuous dividend pricing model, black's pseudo-american pricing model, the binomial model (which I've grown to hate the most), normal backwardation and 'contango' amongst other things and methinks I'm going crazy.

So to answer the "is Greg losing his mind" question...well I just answered it with all that mumbo jumbo derivatives crap! Really, I've come to question whether I'm the only person in the world learning this and why I'm doing it. But every now and then I get a reality check and think "okay, a lot of other ppl are doing this subject (and have done it in the past), and I'm learning this for an exam.

I really want to sit here talking about delta and gamma hedging, because I know that I'll at least be thinking about derivatives while I'm cheating myself spending time blogging instead of studying. But I shall refrain coz it will soooo turn you guys off.

Anyway, my dreams last night, the first dream I remember I was with Anna, Ann and Victor in LA and we went to this really nice part of LA that had valleys with Tuscany-looking houses. We were sitting atop a wall of one of these nice-looking houses looking into a bay just down below. Then I saw the most phenomenal thing, the water at the mouth of the bay just suddenly surged upwards, like something below it had made this massive wave. Then a few moments later, we all saw this massive wave come in and we were like "oh crap..." and I was like "omg it's gonna be a tsunami". Then the next wave was even bigger but we sat there thinking it wasn't gonna get us...which it didn't. Then the 3rd wave was a friggen MF of a wave which rose as high as us on the wall of the Tuscany-looking house, on the hill, on top of the cove that Jack built.

Anyway all four of us fell down for what felt like an eternity and I was like "man, I'm so gonna break both my legs when I land" but when we hit the bottom, we weren't injured at all because we landed in a bed of leaves.

So anyway, we walked along the wall then came to this apartment that was fully run down and all these people standing around going like "whoa man!" coz of the tsunami. Anyway the dream kinda fizzled out from there, I remember looking up Yahoo! on the communal computer the motel had to find that the tsunami had slightly affected Melbourne.

The next dream I was somewhere in Camberwell with my dad and we drove down this dodgy looking lane and I saw this derro teenager throwing up. My window was down and I told my dad "okay drive faster coz this dude looks Zoolander derelicte styles" but for some absurd reason my dad slowed down and as we drove past the dude, he sneered at me and touched my head, putting some of his vomit in my hair! I was soooo pissed off at my dad for not speeding up. Anyway, the next thing I know, I was by myself in Sydney and I was totally lost. I couldn't get back to Melbourne for some reason, I think the car broke down. But I bumped into this really nice family and they offered to pay for a train ride down there.

Anyway, I think this is really long now and kinda meaningless for everyone so I think I'm gonna tie it up here. (I know Ann will be like "okay I'm reading this next bit tomorrow" if you haven't done so already! haha) So I've noticed that all things in your dreams stem from topics you've heard/seen in the last few days. As it's very difficult to dream scenes of pricing models and arbitrage, my dreams have been meshed together from everything outside of studying.

Firstly, in the first dream I was with Anna, Ann and Victor, mainly because they've been the few ppl I have seen in the last week or so. We were in LA because I've just booked a ticket to go there in December and I haven't stopped thinking about it (oh it'll be so good the USA trip!). As for the valleys of Tuscany-looking houses, in the latest episode of "The OC" it is mentioned that two of the characters will go there for a romantic getaway. To account for the surge in the bay, the tectonic plates pushed against each other to cause the outer plate to slide upwards, causing the tsunami to happen. I don't know whether this shifting of the plates came from my knowledge that California has lots of earthquakes caused by it, and since we were in LA it was just a natual progression, or that on the news recently I saw that tsunamis were formed by them. Anyway, I think the plates along the San Andreas fault line move horizontally, whereas the tsunami-causing plates move vertically.

So the next dream came about because I was talking about the Camberwell market with Anna recently. Getting upset at my dad, well that's a frequent occurrence shamefully. The Sydney part, well I think that stems from my general flirtation with travelling recently, and I did go there in December for a few days.

Okay so that's it. I've read other ppl's blogs and they so have meaning to what they're posting. I, on the other hand, talk a lot of s**t to be honest. I've got a case of blogging diarrhoea, where I just think stuff and say it. That's why my blogs don't have direction, that's why my blogs are unstructured, and that's why my blogs are full of little pieces of crap. But yeah, I guess I'm not too fussed about it, not many other ppl do it this way (maybe that should tell me something), but on the whole I want to write this blog in my own way. Take it or leave it.

I've gotta go study now, hope you guys are making the most of your time and having fun, coz I so envy you!


Blogger Ann said...

haha, I read ALL of your blog at once as I am avoiding the studying as well...oh dear...only 16 more hours left for study! At least you finish soon...PUNK! Btw, you have interesting dreams...glad to know you remember them. Remember, next time I'm at your place, I demand to see those pictures...hehe!

Sunday, February 20, 2005 3:34:00 pm  

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