Thursday, January 27, 2005

Blah, blah, blah

Okay, I really don't know why I'm posting right now...I really don't have much to say. I guess I can start by telling you guys what I've been doing over the last few days, but that's kinda boring...but then again you guys are here anyway so chances are you'll read any drivel I write.

"So what's the show about?"
"Okay, wait for's about nothing"
"Then why are we watching it?"
"'Cause it's on TV!"
"Not yet..."

Haha okay sorry about the Seinfeld quote, I watched some episodes today from the Seinfeld DVD I thought it was semi-relevant.

So as this blog reaches its 4-month birthday, I still would not be able to give someone a description of what it is. If someone asked me, "Hey, what's your blog about?" I would probably answer with, "Just stuff...?" Mm I think my main aim is to make it interesting, I mean who wants to read "I woke up today and had Sultana Bran. The milk was cold and that was nice, but not nearly nice enough to overcome the lack of sleep I've had and the fact that I had to go to work at 9am."

Erm so what's the point of this? I forget. Wait I think this post is about me being lost today. Oh yeah I know what I feel like blogging about now!

Okay let's start again. Firstly, I didn't know why I wanted to post today, I didn't have any fancy stories to tell or any D&M parables. However, I felt the desire to blog because I had all these little nuiances that I wanted to get off my chest.

Eureka! I've just killed two birds with one stone! I know what my blog is about, and I know what I'm going to write in this entry.

Okay, okay, I know - very, very disjointed this blog is (I don't know why I'm talking like Yoda). And these last two sentences are considered to have poor grammar, firstly, it's not good English to end a sentence with a verb and it's not correct to begin your sentence with a conjunction. Yes I'm now very crazed! Craaazzeed! Okay, now on to what I was trying to explain earlier, I believe my blog will be about things I want to share with people and get off my chest, put out there in cyber space and today I will share stuff, albeit very meaningless and downright mundane, but I just feel like airing it out, even if it makes no sense to you guys at all. Maybe it’ll be kinda entertaining when you guys try and figure out what I’m talking about. Probably not though.

Today I was playing Pro Evo 4 today and it crashed on me twice! Just when I was training them up to get better stats! I was doing the free kick – shooting drill and it crashed both times when I tried it with Fortune. Eh...that was annoying.

I was browsing through the CD that Dave made for Garry and I that contained our Sydney trip photos and I was bemused at the stupid facial expressions I had on it. The worst thing about them was that I wasn’t even trying to make silly faces! I just looked out of sorts in almost all the photos, I don’t know what was wrong with me. I guess I’m not photogenic.

Last night I watched “Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle” at Jade’s. That was so funny. I remember seeing it the first time and I enjoyed it, but you know how most of the time you watch a movie and think it’s great, then watch it the second time, it’s not so good? Well H&KGTWC was still good the 2nd time. Haha “Just let her touch your penis.” “Did she touch your penis?” “Let’s get some fur burgers!”

The tennis has provided me with entertainment, naturally, but also irked me some. Last night’s match, Hewitt v Nalbandian, while entertaining, really got the better of me when I witnessed some of the worst line calls I’ve ever seen in my life...and in one game too! Throughout the match there was dispute after dispute, overrule after overrule and that’s never good. Sure, “Hey, if you’re so good why don’t you get out there and do it?” My response, “Look buddy, I know I’m not as good as the linespeople but hell, if I was to put myself in that position and apply for the damn job then I’d sure as hell make sure I can make accurate calls...DUDE.” Some were so blatantly out and called in it was just beyond ridic. Some people think the chair ump did a shite job but I think he handled it okay. He made a crappy decision though when he awarded the point to Hewitt after a linesperson called a ball he hit out, then corrected himself. Nalbandian had a right to have that point replayed because clearly he was affected by the “out” call and proceeded to hit the ball into the net. Otherwise, being a chair ump with crappy linespeople can’t be easy. When I was a ballboy I learnt that through bad calls the ump is supposed to give a nod of encouragement to their linespeople so as to place their trust in them. I cannot see how last night’s chair ump could show his trust with that lot. It wasn’t only last night’s match though, there have been so many poor calls made through the whole tournament, there was a glaring one in Molik’s defeat to Davenport where she aced Davs then the linesperson called it a fault! That was at 7-7 in the third. Davs went on to break Molik in that game making it 8-7, then held serve to win the match. I wonder how that linesperson feels about that call now. Grrr...

Aside from that, it’s how I predicted it to be, top 4 men are the last 4 competing for the singles title. It’ll be a real rip-snorter over the next few days. While I want our Hewitt to win (despite his boganism), I like Federer because he’s such a complete player. However, I think Safs might just pip Fedders and the A-Rod may throttle Hews.

Yeah, sorry about the short cuts here and there, but I’m sure you guys can work out my lingo, it gives it a bit of intrigue and that cool vagueness about it right? Eh...anyway, I think this post is more than long enough to entertain you guys for a long time. Watch this space.


Blogger Steven Ta said...

I'll bring you a REAL White Castle burger when I get back. I'll provide the burgers, you provide the weed. All we need now is a curry dude. I wonder who that could be?

Sunday, January 30, 2005 3:12:00 pm  

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