Sunday, January 02, 2005

Welcome 2005!

Wow, what a year 2004 was, what a last night of 2004 I had. While I didn't get s**tfaced or stoned [why would I anyway??? ;)] I spent my 31st December with my friends bbq'ing, playing, laughing, bitching, mind reading and waiting over an hour for Sam to get out of the damn toilet.

I'm not going to go into great detail outlining what happened that night because I only have a few highlights, comparatively speaking, from a generally great night. Henry's massive "balloon phallus" was an amusing sight, while the "Julz running to hug Steve, only to realise there was a window in between and going face first into it" incident would take the cake for being the most hilarious. While Julz does have a tendency to do these kinds of things even when he's sober, he had a valid excuse in being probably the most inebriated of anyone that night. For me, being a co-host of the party, my night actually ended when the last group of people, namely Ben, Chops, Frank and Sanji left at 8:30am New Year's day.

Through Ann's fried chicken wings, Dave's fireworks, Frank's innocence, Nam's phone, Chops' jelly bean throwing, Julz's loud bitching, Ben's PS2, Sanji's "Vodka", Tam's melon salad, Henry's card tricks, Anna's organising and the use of her aunty's house and a host of other minutiae none of the fun would have been possible. So a big thank you goes out to everyone who took the time to come and see in the new year with us!

I didn't get the chance to ask everyone what they had in store for 2005, their hopes and any resolutions. My personal new year's resolution is to not be lazy, one of my more stubborn habits. I read a book recently which proposed the idea of each individual having different characters within them, for example, a samaritan, a loyal friend, a liar, an entrepreneur, a miser. It suggested that our overall character was made up of which characters we chose from within us. My hope for this year is that we all decide upon the right characters, particularly as most of us are finishing university and closing one chapter in our lives and beginning another. Whatever path each of us decide to choose, I just hope we all enjoy doing so because life's too short to not to have fun. Happy 2005!


Blogger Julz said...

i'd just like to clarify that i DID see the window! It was that stupid step before the window that I didn't see! Sorry to Chops too coz I spilt his drink when I tripped! But i'm glad I seemed to be everyone's NYE highlight! My bruised knee doesn't agree tho!

Wednesday, January 05, 2005 11:24:00 pm  

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