Sunday, November 21, 2004

The Comeback Kid

Ok, I'm back from my study hiatus people. Actually, probably not much studying involved so more like just a hiatus. Nevertheless, wasn't too impressed with my work ethic during swot vac but hey, all in the past now, I can only hope for the best come December 10. I was fortunate to have only three exams which weren't hardcore like some third year commerce subjects (ones I'll be doing next year!).

So what have I been doing since Friday? Not much actually, despite wanting to go crazy after exams, I've found myself confined somewhat, which can be attributable to two major reasons;
1. Can't drive (well I can but that's a criminal offence and if I got busted I'd either spend 4 mths picking up the proverbial soap or a $5000 fine...or both! Either way, those penalties won't sting as much as not being able to become an accountant because I need to get my CA to think about getting into finance or investment banking coz I know I'm not a hardcore finance freak.)
2. Friends still have exams.

Anyway, I think I've managed to keep myself entertained and I have a new love for television...on the computer. Yes, I mentioned in my previous blogs that I watch shows which I d/l and I've stepped it up a notch since exams has finished. I'm pretty bored half the time so I'm d/l like crazy! I think I'm up to 24gb this month...haha when will they cap me? I can hear the Jim Carrey in me saying, "Sssomebody stop me!"

So what has everyone got planned for these holidays? Any interesting adventures? I myself don't have too much planned but I may be spending a week with friends interstate late this month, maybe Sydney and Gold Coast, although schoolies will still be on so it may not eventuate. It might just be scaled down to a week long fishing trip somewhere along coastal Victoria. I might also be spending a week or two in January hiking with a friend and his cousins, Wilson's Prom perhaps? Not confirmed yet, but other than that I'll be doing summer school which runs from mid Jan - mid Feb. What joy that will be...but I guess it's ok that it's a finance subject, "333-309 Derivative Securities." Better that than Financial Accounting or Auditing! Good thing I knew a few ppl doing it this semester, coz that means I can get their notes. There's no way the staff will be bothered to change the course during the summer so I'll virtually be able to study the whole course before summer semester starts, but em...haha fat chance of that happening.

Anyhoo, it's almost time for soccer so I'm outtie. Enjoy the holidays for all who have begun, and to those that haven't, good luck for exams!

Ahh...summer is almost here...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

just puzzled.....why direct traffic from mindsay to here?

Wednesday, November 24, 2004 12:23:00 pm  
Blogger greggie said...

a friend of mine wanted me to check out her blog and to do that i had to sign up. as there was space for a blog, and seeing as i already had one here, i just redirected it.

Thursday, November 25, 2004 4:41:00 am  

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