Friday, October 29, 2004

CAPM, PwC, UBS, audit, Deloitte, arbitrageurs, CA, Derivatives, margin calls...?!?

"Fathers be good to your daughters,
Daughters will love like you do,
Girls become lovers,
Who turn into mothers,
So mothers be good to your daughters too..."

Wise words from John Mayer, a sweet song too.

Ah, who am I kidding, I love that "Love" is a good cop out for thinking seriously about things. I love the love, I really do.

It's 1:30pm on a breezy Friday afternoon and I'm stuck in a small room at Uni with nothing but a computer. So what do I do? Haha I net it obviously!

I found out yesterday that I won't be able to go on exchange to the US next year. It gets a bit complex but mainly because I won't be able to get credit for a few of my subjects (mainly accounting ones) that are a necessity for being eligible for the CA. I think getting CA accreditation is really important, especially in the industry I'm going to be working in. Not only does it open up all doors in Accounting, but apparently a lot of Finance firms favour it too.

Goodness, I've spent a bit of time thinking about it all, I graduate at the end of next year and I'm already get apprehensive about finding a job! People tell me graduating with a Melb Uni BCom/BIS degree will get me a job pretty easily, but how good my marks are will determine largely whereabouts I go. I find solace in that assurance, that it's not a question of "will I?" but more a question of "where?" I don't want to get ahead of myself though, despite the advice, I still have an inkling of doubt, "What if I don't get a job? What will I do? How long will I be unemployed for?" You know, those people could just be talking crap, they're trying to make me feel better. I know I'm not a H1 student, I've even failed a subject! Okay, only one subject but hey, a fail is a fail! "You're fine, you're still on a H2 average, that's really good!" Whatever, I know people out there who are getting 85s and shiat, don't tell me 70s are good. It may be good for mediocrity but not for me, I'm meant to go on to bigger and better things, being average is not an option! Like they say, strive to be the best...the best. Yeah, asian to the max, 'rents pushing the kids haarrdd.

Yes, I am afraid. Afraid of the whole carnival that's going on out there. I don't feel like I'm going to fit in, but I will have to. Nevertheless, similar to all challenges and anxious times in my life, I turn to faith. Faith in the knowledge that He will guide me and lead me to where I am meant to be. Not to be upset about what I don't have but what I do, not to be totally devastated at my failings but use it as a stepping stone to better myself, remembering that there are always lessons to be learnt and being humble enough to recognise them. More than anything else though, realising that there is much more to earthly life and to see that there is a bigger picture, a picture filled with love.

There. I feel a lot better now.


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