A fortnight ago I heard the one and only Mandy Moore was going to be in Melbourne and I got all warm and fuzzy. =) She's so lovely. However, I was informed by a friend of mine that they got to see her at Myer last week. I was so disappointed my friend saw her (who was quite nonchalant about it by the way) and I didn't even get the chance to meet her! Mandy was also apparently on Rove, which I usually watch but for some reason last week I missed! Furthermore, I got the hot tip that she had an interview on A Current Affair the day after and as you might have guessed, I missed that too! Omg! I'm flabbergasted! All these opportunities, just gone.
*Sigh* You know what? I just don't think it was meant to be, me and her. =(
yeah and she was at the Jam factory too to promote her movie 'saved'...
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