Thursday, November 04, 2004

Only Hope

Mm mm! Thanks to Ann, I managed to catch Mandy on Rove Live. There is hope afterall...hehehe. ; )

Meanwhile I have been up to...nothing. Absolutely nothing...which is quite disturbing seeing as I have three exams coming up soon. Well, actually I've been doing stuff, like d/l many clips and videos and movies. Goodness. In the last two days I've watched two Manchester United matches, Rove Live twice, an episode of "The OC", "The Butterfly Effect" (which is a pretty decent movie btw, storyline exceeded my expectations), the whole series of "The Simple Life 2 - Road Trip" and the latest episode of "Laguna Beach". Hmm, now it's almost 4pm, I just got to Uni and I still haven't started any work. Dammit. Ok I'm going now, good luck to all who have exams!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn straight you better start doing your work! No more O.C. or Pro-Evo or Mandy Moore until AFTER exams! Only a bit of green tea ice-cream ok!? LoLs!

Thursday, November 04, 2004 5:56:00 pm  

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