Monday, December 20, 2004

5 days to go!

Good tidings to all today! Well, I just woke up and I must say I had a decent night's sleep, even though it was only for just less than 8 hours (my definition of solid sleep would be around 9 hours). I should have slept earlier but I stayed up late last night playing Big 2 with Steve, Cliff and Garry haha, back to the old Melb High days!

Moreover, I've been working a fair bit and so I should have been disciplined enough to go to bed early. Between the 12th and Christmas Eve, I would have worked every single day except the 14th. Don't be too shocked though, a majority of my shifts were around 5ish hours. But still, if you know me, I guess you'd still be a bit taken aback at my new work ethic hehe.

So that is a low down on what's been going on really. I've gone out a few times though, on Friday night I ended up watching a DVD which I picked from the "arthouse" section of Blockbuster named "Malena" starring Monica Bellucci. I thought it wasn't bad, but I gave it one extra star just because I picked it out of nowhere and it could have had the potential to be absolutely rubbish...but it didn't! Hehe...

Saturday night I went to play glow in the dark mini-golf with YG friends which was fun! I made it one under par over the whole course so I guess that was okay. Then we had dinner at Bar Bosh or some Bar something...that was good too, I enjoyed my chicken burger very much.

Later that night I went to Cliff's to play Big 2 with Chris and Garry as well which was enjoyable too! Hehe Cliff found some chips we used to gamble and the friendly jibes were pretty funny at times.

Erm, yea that's about it for now, I had to end it off quickly because I have to get ready for work now. Take it easy people!


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