Thursday, December 30, 2004

Ode To S**t

Last week, at a Christmas party, I strolled upon this naughty shell...

WTF? Okay, so I didn't stroll upon anything, let alone some naughty shell, but the above sentence makes as much sense as that bloody poem on that toilet paper! I'm not sure if you guys have seen it but I know a few people have come across it. I just want to know what the heck it means!

For those of you out there that don't know about it yet, the poem goes something along the lines of this:

"Down by the sea, as the
clouds shone, the sun
Through the day, I strolled
upon this naughty shell..."

This is accurately transcribed, even with the same line breaks. Hmm...

First I thought, "Ooo, they're trying to mix up the nouns," and swapped "clouds" with "sun" only to make "Down by the sea, as the sun shone, the clouds. Through the day..." You can't "through" anything, it's not a verb! There's a full stop there too! I even tried to swap random words around like "the sun shone through the clouds..." but it's still all mucked up so I just gave up trying to put meaning to it.

My guess is whoever made this up probably wrote this counter-intuitive poem on purpose to frustrate its consumers so that after not getting it, they'll simply do what the toilet paper is meant for...wipe their @$$!!!

Well, you create crap, I treat it accordingly. Stupid non-sensical poem.


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