Saturday, January 08, 2005

Howdy stranger!

It feels like a very long time since I have last posted here, mainly because new blogs are popping up everywhere and I spend all my "blog time" reading rather than actually posting! I know of four new blogs that have just begun, namely Chops, Julz, Sanji and Benny's, and they all post very frequently, which makes me feel as if I've been neglecting my blog!

Anyway, this new-found passion of theirs for blogging is, as I've been told, borne from the word "proactive". Now, this has arisen from their new year's resolution to be more outgoing, involved and for lack of a better word, "not CBF". I can totally agree with that though, I think many people our age have fallen into a rut of being too apathetic and nonchalant about anything, just because we're in the middle of nowhere. I mean, we've finished school, so we're not really kids anymore, but then again we're not quite working folk, or self supporting yet either. We're still studying at uni, but it's not quite the same as high school where everyone was part of a big group where we rebelled against the institution that is school. One of the things you learn at uni is that even though you've got your social circle and whatnot, eventually you'll take your own different paths and will be split up by different courses, specialisations and subjects. The camraderie isn't quite the same where something funny happens in a class and everyone's there to share it. We're kind of on the cusp of being both teenagers and adults, and I think that this uncertainty has forced us to sit and wait to be categorised. I believe that it's this waiting that has made us all so "CBF".

Tonight I was watching the "Reach Out To Asia" simulcast on the three premier television stations. I was so touched by the amount of generosity of Australians, in time, in support and in helping fund the relief effort in the affected countries. It was also a pleasure to see the fusion of celebrities you don't normally see mixing together (one bit had Rove, Eddie McGuire and Daryl Somers on the same panel together...for me that was an interesting experiment!). The main thing I wanted to draw from this event, was the involvement of so many people, their tireless effort and enthusiasm. I think this is a shining example of what we should take heed of, we should try to be more passionate about our last years before our freedom is revoked by the working world. Ring up a friend you haven't talked to in ages to have a friendly chat, ask someone you haven't seen for a while out to lunch, even take up a new sport to socialise more (!), but above all, be spirited in what you do and please, don't be a stranger.


Blogger Ann said...

I agree about the whole studing/working transition - haha, Britney was right when she said, "I'm not a girl, not yet a woman"...oh how smart she is!!! I must say that getting motivated is difficult - enjoy summer school!

Sunday, January 09, 2005 9:59:00 pm  

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