Monday, January 31, 2005

Evil, Wicked Wings

I am so angry right now, I'm not gonna bother with the proper words and shiat, resorting fully to the vernacs. So yea, I'm cut and it'll prob sound homo but it's coz my mum took my KFC wicked wings to work, the ones i bought last night! I was soo looking fwd to them, this morning i slowly got out of bed and felt like crap coz of the lack of sleep, and the knowledge that I had a mid semester exam in just over an hour. BUT, i go "all good greggie, you get your reward after the mid-sem, come home, have wicked wings for lunch." The thought of those crispy wings got me out of bed (no BS) and I made it through the first 10mins (which, I theorise is the hardest 10mins of the day) then the proper chemicals and muscle movements and brain waves start to kick in and i was then a fully functioning human. I'll discuss that little theory in another blog...

Right now, I've cooled off a bit. I realise how silly I sound, blinded by rage just because I don't got my wings. I rang my dad to get the 411 on the wing status, was he the culprit? He said no. So I proceeded to msg Anna, my supportive girlfriend and explained to her what had happened and how upset I was, albeit peppered with a word starting with "F". Boo hoo, yes I was losing it,
"They're only chicken wings Greg," she reasoned.
"But they're gone," I wailed, "they were there this morning and now they're gone. If I want some more now, I have to walk all the way to KFC again!"
"Greg, you live like 100m from KFC..."
"Alright fine. I'll go." And that was that.
A few minutes passed and my mum rang to tell me to go to KFC and get some chicken wings coz she took them. She thought that since they were overnighters, they might've been soggy today. Goodness! What a change in circumstance. Actually more of a change in my mood. I guess my dad must've rung her and told her I was none too happy about the whole shebang.

Ah well, after the whole ordeal, I realise...I'm a dumbass. I don't know why I just posted this, I guess it seemed like a personal experience of some sort, perhaps providing some detailed insight into the "real Greg." Hope you guys enjoy, have strong opinions and see me for who I really am. Oh yeah, remember the fourth commandment: "Honour thy Father and thy Mother." Today I say props to my P's for being so caring.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I was quite scared by your sms full of obscene words! I'm glad that in hindsight you realise your behaviour was both absurd but somewhat amusing! Hehe..silly duffer! (Anna)

Monday, January 31, 2005 1:22:00 pm  
Blogger Ann said...

I totally understand the KFC rage - when you crave, you crave. It's like Vic says...the only time that you're really angry is through lack of sleep or hunger. You had a combination of the two and so it's totally cool that you were angry. At least you realised that you were a little silly but who hasn't been? Trust me, you're not the only one...just ask Anna...there are many stories to tell...hahaha! You, Vic and I should cut sick on the KFC one day!

Monday, January 31, 2005 3:36:00 pm  

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