Monday, March 21, 2005

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy

Today was a good day.

Woke up early feeling very tired but grateful to see a friendly face, namely Ann, to pick me up to go to church. Got to share a particular peculiar dream I had last night which brought about some early morning cheer to us both.

Church service was pleasant and happy to hear Daniel's sermon seeing as he had told us in Bible Study that he was feeling somewhat apprehensive about it, without needing to be - it was amusing in a Daniel-kinda way hehe. Went to Vacation Bible School (VBS) meeting and now feel very motivated to help in some way.

Had Suzuran for lunch with Anna, Ann and Julz at some park in Camberwell. Very satisfying. Then off to Victoria Square Gardens (VSG) b/c Anna had to give her IKEA discount to a friend from Deloitte.

Got home and the four of us watched "Pootie Tang" which was relatively amusing. Went to nap after the movie then woke up to find out Ann and Julz had left - apologies for not having manners to see you guys off.

Parents call later and tell me to drive down to Narre Warren Megamart to help carry home a new HDTV Plasma-screen TV. Happily obliged, even though Anna drove. Spent the rest of the night setting it up. Loves it!

Friends, God, food, laughs and a big-screen TV.

Today was a good day.


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