Showy Sunday
Ho hum.
It's only 11:15pm and I'm feeling quite tired. I think it's from a lack of sleep and having to wake early for church this morning but I'm glad I had the willpower to do it in such adverse conditions (late Saturday night and rainy, cold Sunday). I guess a bit of my motivation came from listening to Uncle Isaac at the cell leader's meeting on Wednesday night and a message I got from preparing for my bible study on Friday, Luke 10:2 The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. I guess this helped me realise that my presence at church, especially as a cell leader definitely sets an example for the younger youth.
So, got home from seeing Danny Bhoy not long ago and thought he was pretty good. I really enjoyed how he incorporated a lot of Aussie impersonations coz that really got the crowd on the same level, and he does a pretty good blokey accent too!
I'm looking forward to Jimeoin next Saturday with the Uni peoples coz he's one of my favourites, while reluctantly deciding not to go to Lano and Woodley next week because I'm really busy...yes even if it's their last ever performance!
I've also got the heads up on Arj Barker, Akmal Saleh and co. at La Trobe Uni doing a Comedy Gala on Tuesday night (for only $10!) but also decided against it since I have a graduate interview on Wednesday morning. Booooo!
Anyway, quite chuffed about not having work or uni tomorrow. After the show tonight, standing in the cold Melbourne weather outside the Atheneum, all talk centred around "Oh we've got work tomorrow so we'd better head off" and while disappointed everyone had to go home to sleep instead of doing a night cap, I was thankful I had none of the above reporting to do tomorrow. As a result, I'm downloading the latest OC and Smallville episodes, gonna have a shower, then finish off Breakfast at Tiffany's which has predictably surprised (now there's an contradiction) me in a pleasant way. I had some preconceived notions about how it would look and what type of movie it would be, but also predicted that it would not be what I thought it would be like, and hence, predictably surprise me. I've quite enjoyed the Holly Golightly character, although I must say that I can't be too impressed, as iconic as Audrey Hepburn is, with some of her acting. But I can appreciate how beautiful she is; lithe figure, with those big eyes, apparent cheekbones and thin neck - which can't go wrong in Hollywood.
So as I was saying, I'm off to clean up and finish another week with a classic film. Hope this week is as good to you guys as I hope it is for me!