Monday, April 03, 2006

Too Busy To FCUK

Never did buy that t-shirt.

But yes, as the title also alludes to, I am, surprise, surprise pretty busy. So this post is gonna be a short one. Wait why am I even posting then? Aw come on guys, you know the answer to that - coz I love youse all too much!

I'm not sure when I had to fear television, it kinda crept up on me. It's astounding that nowadays there are so many damn shows to watch that you could seriously sit down and watch all of them non-stop! The question I put to you all is, has television show quality gotten better?

I've begun on House when most people have finished the first season and onto the second already, and still keeping up with The OC and Smallville only. I'm not even going to think about beginning other series' strongly recommended by others including 24, Lost, Desperate Housewives, Family Guy, America's Next Top Model and One Tree Hill. Seriously, where do you guys find the time to watch them all?

Aside from the immediate pain of beginning and finishing my essay due on Wednesday, I need to squeeze in heaps of graduate job applications in between work and uni. Hmm also need to figure out what songs I'm going to lead on Good Friday. Yikes!

Anyway, I have to head in to Uni now to do some research at the library. Damn these arts subjects which require hard copy books and not just online "Google" searches.


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