Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Day My Wings Were Unclipped

This morning I woke up feeling terrible. In fact, I was woken by a stirring in my stomach, which moved down to my large intestines and then became a strong urge in my bowels. The AGB (After Grog Bog) hit hard but turns out it was more like an AGR (After Grog Run). Terrible!

So we'll pick up where my adventure began yesterday after my exam. I was walking through the underpass of Caulfield Station when I bumped into Carol! That was a mighty coincidence since that's the first ever time I've gone down there, Carol actually is based in Sydney and she says she never goes to Caulfied! Good to have that little chat with you before you left again Carol, after piking on Friday night since I was studying! Hope to see you when you come back next!

Anyway, later that night I headed off to the city (which was almost like a foreign land since I hadn't been there for social reasons in sooo long) for Tracey's (Julz's sister) 21st at Decorum on Flinders Lane (the scene of the crime for Jade's 21st if I remember correctly). First time in a long while but reunited with ppl I hadn't seen in such a LONG time like Isaac (my Melbourne High buddy, not church/Pictionary Ike). It was a good night, reminded me that getting out once in a while is always a good thing!

Also had my first ever shot of chartreuse and man, that s**t is mean dawg! I can't remember the alcohol content (Sanji said like 40%?) but I know it was high enough to burn my mouth, burn my throat and leave my stomach feeling a little worse for wear. Despite being a vice, I think alcohol in moderation can be entertaining. Julz's mum was absolutely hilarious! But I guess you always have to know when to stop, hey Ikey? I thought I went too far after I finished the night with a chicken souvlaki from Stalacs. Did not sit in my stomach with alcohol well AT ALL. And you know what? I made this little pledge to not drink or eat chocolate during lent! Not that I blatantly flaunt this self imposed abstinence, but I hardly ever drink alcohol anymore, and therefore didn't realise I should've kept away from it! I also had Twix in the break during my exam, but that was because I needed sugar to keep me alert. Oh yeah, which reminds me, something that's been bugging the b*oody h*ll (censored coz I don't want any British, Canadians or Americans to ban my blog) outta me - does anyone know what the difference between categorical agreement and qualified agreement is?

For those alcoholics out there, let me suggest some liver tonic pills - St. Mary's Thistle vitamin supplement or something. It helps your liver process things better including alcohol. Speaking of which, yesterday Vic gave me these Blackmores Vitamin C tablets which I thought were the chewable type. Little did I know that THEY WERE NOT! So I dashed out with a disgusting taste in my mouth, drank some water from the bathroom tap and tried to swallow that damn vitamin C pill. After half reaching, I managed to swallow the pill with upchuck mixed in water. Yummy.

So it was an interesting day of sorts, I realised that there was a lot of odd input into my system. I really gave my stomach a bit of a thrashing ey? EY! I guess that's why I woke up early just to do the AGR, and it's all outta my system now. Ahhh...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Grugs!! Out of all places we bump into eachother at Caulfield station. Talk about coincidence yeah? Good luck with the rest of uni and take care!!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 5:14:00 pm  

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