Okay, so I've noticed in the last few posts I've done a bit of photo spamming. And this post won't be any different.
BUT I do promise that I'm going to make it more interesting than just whacking up any old photos and explain more in depth what each photo represents.
Anyway the story begins in the quiet suburb of Kew, just after 1300 hours on a Friday in a little house on the prarie. Well not really, but sounds pleasant doesn't it? The house in fact, is actually an Asian one with a throng of shoes outside the front door. Upon entering, we're hit with the remnants of strong odours such as chilli, curry, seafood and of course, soy sauce.
Once into the area that is the living room, we hear a bit of shuffling in one of the rooms down the hallway. A little walk down there and upon further investigation, it appears as if there's someone in there breathing hard whilst doing some sort of labourious task. Slowly but surely, we creep forward, not to alert the stranger of our presence. We turn left into the room and then...
WHAMMO! It's Gregory Wong Xiong Wei cleaning up his room! We almost die of shock! Greg? Cleaning his room? This we gotta take pictures of. And thus we did.

We begin with Exhibit A. It seems to be the case that they are trading cards, the kind kids from 1993 collect when they're in Grade 5. They both appear to be encased in some sort of card holder so as to protect them from the normal wear and tear of hyperactive prepubescent boys. There were more of these sorts of cards at the scene but it's suspected that the Shaquille O'Neal card on the right holds certain monetary value (Greg: It's a rookie card!) and the Captain America card...well it must be some inside joke (Greg

Moving on our little investigation to Exhibit B. We stumble upon another card, but this one is different. A
1995 Upper Deck Emmitt Smith Collectors Edition card in a thicker, much more durable casing than the others. It's even got screws to hold it in! Appears to be the most prized card of all of them, one that Greg will keep for a long, long time.

Now this, this could be described as a little bit of a conundrum. A ball no less, but composed of some sort of thin plastic sheet. After careful lab analysis, it's concluded that the material is actually glad-wrap. A whole ball, made entirely of glad wrap. One can only suggest the hypothesis that Greg must have worked at say, David Jones Foodhall and had plenty of free time and a love for cricket.

The photo speaks for itself. This guy has his own little collection of Pez Dispensers. What a freak. It's assumed that there were more to this collection but they must have been lost amidst the struggle to apprehend the suspect.

Ah, yet another fine collection. Trophies, seven in all, six of which were given for achievements in tennis and one for indoor soccer. So promising yet one can only ask, "Where did it all go wrong?"

Looks to be the identity badges of Greg's many various places of employment, ranging from little known nursing homes as the "Maintenance Assistant" to more public roles such as a sales assistant with David Jones and a ballboy for the Australian Open.

At least he won't smell in jail. (Favourite from left to right.)

The next piece of the puzzle is something a bit different. We know what it is, for we are chocolate lovers. Godiva is one of the more divine chocolates there are in this world. Not known to be available in Melbourne, this empty box has an American price tag on the bottom. $50.00 US is nothing to sneeze at, but we're most relieved to see the red marking that reads: "
$24.95" Post-Christmas sales in New York City truly are worthy to be called sales.
And thus ends the story of our little journey into Greg's room. Hope you enjoyed yourself and stay tuned for more exciting adventures in the future!
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