Thursday, January 26, 2006

Weekly Round-Up

What better day to do the round up than a Thursday...hmm. Well it's Australia Day so I have time to do this! And it's also 38 degrees today so I won't be going out anytime soon since it's so damn hot!

Okay, where do I begin? I think it first kicked off with the sending off of my parents to the airport on Friday evening. They deserve a holiday and going to Singapore to visit relatives as well is an added bonus for them I'm sure. It also gives my brother and I freedom we haven't had for a long time! Haha...

On the cards Friday night was YG as well. That was a nice little reuinion of sorts and good to have some new members namely Adam, Fonga and Ivy on board in my cell although Ivy's still in China and won't be back for another week or two. And dear Jade, she's overseas hopefully ripping it up having a good old time before coming back to full time work.

Saturday was laid back during the day due to the 38 degree heat! Then in the evening went to Airstream in Glennie to celebrate Vanessa's birthday which was really cool! Good variety of drinks to be had and nice to see YG people in a more social setting which made for some funny moments like Daz's four line well-wishing in our card where the rest of us wrote up to four times as much as that!

After that someone decided to continue the party back at my place. I guess not having parents around to not wake up with loud voices was the determining factor. So the group split and about 11 of us came back to my place and apparently others went to Princes to pool it. It was a really good night at mine playing poker and mah-jong and just chilling out or in Bex's case sleeping on the couch. Despite most of us having to get up early for church the next day, everyone left around 2:30am.

Sunday morning was a killer! The forecast temperature was 43 and by the time church service ended, we were really feeling it! Despite this, a few of us went to Short Black Cafe in Camberwell and good thing they had air conditioning! I think that led us to stay for a good two hours having lunch and just chatting which is probably the best anyone can do on a super hot day! It was funny when Peter Lin, Ken and I ordered the exact same thing - Chicken Caesar Salad and guava juice and even a few others had guava juice too. But it felt like the right drink to have on a really hot day.

I got home and bummed around for a little before popping over to my aunty's place in Kew East to visit my cousins from Singapore who were here for the weekend + Monday to enrol into Melbourne Uni. I mentioned that it was funny how there would be 5 cousins at the Uni this year and talking earlier to Fush about it joked that all five of us could pool together and start up some kinda all round service.

After bumming around till 6pm, I made my way home and got dressed into decent clothes for dinner with Anna at Crown's Mesh restaurant in their Promenade building. We got there quite late and that made for a severe lack of decent food but the place was nice and new. Free mango juice from the bar was another plus and we even got a lion dancing performance which reminded me of my own lion dancing days hehe...

After dinner Anna and I went to see The Producers at VSG Richmond. I know Mel Brooks humour and I guess I wasn't too enthusiastic about it but was still interested. Despite falling asleep for large chunks of the movie after a big weekend and a whole day at work looming the next day, I didn't think the movie was totally crap. From what I saw while awake, the beginning was pretty tedious and a little below par with an overload of slapstick comedy but it got rolling after a while. I have to give credit to Will Ferrell and Uma Thurman though for great performances! Will is just a really funny guy and Uma played her Swedish character to a tee. She looked amazing and after watching this movie, made me view her in a different light. Very sexy indeed.

I apologise now for having another long post but it's going to come to an end very soon, just after I talk about last night!

So last night was the Melbourne premiere of the new movie North Country in which Charlize Theron stars. Anyone who knows me well will also know that I adore Charlize. She looks so damn perfect! Anyway, I went down to Rivoli just after 6pm despite notices to say that the event began at 5:30pm. But knowing stars as much as I do, there was no way they'd get there on time, or even 6pm for that matter but I knew I had to get a good spot.

Charlize (and others, I don't know who I wasn't looking) arrived just before 7pm and boy is she stunning in real life as she is on screen. She was really nice as well, making small talk with the crowd and after she got to the end of the red carpet and posed for the media, she turned to look down the red carpet again and thanked everyone for coming! How sweet!

I got a few photos but didn't get a chance to snatch an autograph. I did however get Peter Helliar's photo and autograph after he walked down behind Charlize. He was really cool, talking with a few of us. I asked him for his autograph and handed him a small North Country flyer to sign. He laughed and said, "Well, I'm not Charlize Theron but I'll sign it anyway. I'm not even in the movie!" which elicited more laughs from our little group. After signing "This is not me! Love, Peter Helliar" for me, some yobbo from across the street shouted to Pete and said "Pete, you said you'd call, what happened mate?" jokingly to which Pete playfully replied "I already told ya, it's over, we broke up so just get on with your life!"

After that, I quickly got out of there to head over to King Whale restaurant in Springvale for the church Chinese New Year dinner. It was an interesting night with sterling karaoke performances by Drew's table doing the YMCA and other individuals. There was a waiter there whose name was, and I kid you not, "Peter Pan". James and Matty couldn't get enough of it and even took a photo of his name tag haha!

Following dinner, a group of us decided to go to Princes to play some pool. I hadn't been there in a long time and not much has changed since. Pool was fun, I hadn't had a decent hit out in a while and managed to win more than I lost! I flitted in between that and erotic Photo Hunt which was funny until I realised that a few of us playing were like, around 16 years old! Hmm...

A night at these nocturnal establishments wouldn't have been complete without some sort of rabble rousing and last night didn't fail to disappoint with apparently a fight downstairs where someone got smashed into a window and someone else got kicked in the face. Ho hum what derros.

I finally left around 3:30am while a few others still remained to play more pool! After giving lifts home to Peter Lin, Isaac, Adam and Amy and after showering I finally hit the hay around 4:30am.

The crowd at Rivoli when Charlize Theron arrived

Charlize within sight!


Even closer...

More signing for Charlize

Yay! She was right in front of me!

She's so pretty

My fav photo of her

My 2nd fav photo of her hehehe ;)


Pete's signature

Amy making a face at the camera. Who hijacked my camera?

Apana and Mandy. Someone taking random shots of people from my camera!

Okay Leanne took this photo. I still don't get why we salute each other but oh well it's funny hehe. On that note, over and out.


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