Thursday, January 12, 2006

I Can't Have Enough of You Babe

It's utterly delightful being home and having the internet at my fingertips. Yesterday I downloaded three episodes of The O.C. I missed while I was gone and one episode of Smallville.

As you can see I'm taking full advantage of that by blogging again! I also managed to catch up to date with the goss, mainly Angelina Jolie being pregnant with Brad Pitt's baby!

Now what is up with that. I really wonder how her two previously adopted kids will cope in the future. As they say, blood is thicker than water. Well I guess she was trying to help out, it's like not buying a puppy from a pet store but getting it from RSPCA instead. But imagine what that kid will look like. Dayam. I'm not gay (NTTAWWT) but I know that Brad is decent looking, and Angelina...well I saw Mr and Mrs Smith the other day and well...I'm speechless. Merely describing her as hot is truly an understatement.

Also catching my eye, I dug up some old celebrity gossip I missed during December and I have to say, Britney Spears is an idiot. Why? K-Fed, that's why! I thought I was a derro. This guy is truly the king of douchebags! Here are some of the articles.

Dec 5: Britney Spears consults a psychic
Dec 6: Britney angry, Kevin a pothead
Dec 8: Kevin Federline's credit cards are mostly worthless
Dec 15: K-Fed making outrageous demands
Dec 21: Britney can't take K-Fed anywhere
Dec 29: Britney Spears wants another kid

At that was only December. Actually, if you think about it, I reckon K-Fed is a genius. He found a rich bimbo, got her knocked up and then married. Now he's got all the outs. If he stays with her, she pays for everything. If they divorce, he gets paid there too. If the above articles don't convince you Britney is stupid then I don't know what will.

PS. If you guys get the chance, download "Rock 'N Roll Queen" by The Subways. Also try "Last Christmas" excellently covered by Jimmy Eat World, "You Only Live Once" by The Strokes and "The Spaces Between" by Expatriate. I remember someone told me to download that last song before I left but can't remember who! So frustrating! So who was it? Dave? Garry? Ken? Been listening to some oldies as well like Queen's "Somebody to Love" and "Champagne Supernova" by Oasis.


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