Monday, January 16, 2006

Another One of Those

It seems I have a lot of time up my sleeve huh? Got this from Mellie's blog. Took out some questions coz it's pretty long.

Your gender: Male
Straight/Gay/Bi: Straight
Single?: No.
Birthdate: 9 February 1983
Your age: 22
Age you act: About 20?
Age you wish you were: 19 is good.
Your height: 170cm
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous: Righty
Your living arrangement: With family
Your family: Father, mother, younger brother
Have any pets?: Yeah, a psycho Jack Russell called KJ
Whats your job?: Finance and administration assistant at RED which stands for Retail Environment Design.
Obsessions?: North Face, those bloody Lacoste shoes I didn't get in LA, Cold Stone Creamery (Do we have them in Australia does anyone know?)
Addictions?: Chocolate
Do you speak another language?: Yeah, kinda.
Have a favorite quote?: "If I'm curt with you, it's because time is a factor here. I think fast, I talk fast, and I need you guys to act fast if you want to get out of this. So, pretty please, with sugar on top, clean the f**king car."

Deep Thoughts About Life
Do you live in the moment?: Yeah kinda
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: Yeah kinda
Do you hate yourself?: Nah
Do you like your handwriting?: Yeah
Do you have any bad habits?: Yeah
What is the compliment you get from most people?: "Thanks for helping out." Not really a compliment but close enough.
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: The World According to Greg
What's your biggest fear?: Not achieving my full potential and thus falling by the wayside and dying a drunken destitute on the side of the road somewhere in the Nevada desert.
Can you sing?: I can hit the note I intend to, can't sing high though and probably need more control.
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: Not really. Being cool is overrated.
Are you a loner?: Sometimes
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: Yeah
Are you a daredevil?: Not really
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: Laziness, lack of motivation
Are you passive or agressive?: A bit of both.
Do you have a journal?: Yeah
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: Not so lazy and have more motivation.
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: Yeah kinda
Do you think life has been good so far?: Yeah pretty good.
What is the fictional character you are most like?: Maybe a bit of all three of the boys from Seinfeld and also Eric Foreman from That 70s Show.

Do You..
Smoke?: No
Do drugs?: Not currently
Read the newspaper?: Yeah if I have one
Pray?: Yeah
Go to church?: Yeah
Talk to strangers who IM you?: Sometimes
Sleep with stuffed animals?: No
Take walks in the rain?: No
Talk to people even though you hate them?: Hate is a strong word, if I hated anyone I guess I still would.
Drive?: Yeah
Like to drive fast?: Umm...sometimes? Hehe

Would You or Have You Ever?
Liked your voice?: Nah. Hate it. Wait maybe not my voice, but hate my accent.
Hurt yourself?: This question should be more specific. No, not on purpose.
Been out of the country?: Yeah just came back from a stint in the land of the brave
Eaten something that made other people sick?: Huh?? I don't know maybe. What sorta qn is this?
Been in love?: Yeah
Done drugs?: Err...took some flu meds while overseas, and also some travel sickness pills. They are drugs. I know what some of you are screaming. Don't go there!
Gone skinny dipping?: Nope
Had a medical emergency?: I think so. Dark Zone 2001? Haha...
Had surgery?: Nope
Ran away from home?: Nope
Played strip poker?: Nope
Beaten someone up?: Nope
Been picked on?: Yep
Been on stage?: Yep
Slept outdoors?: Yep
Thought about suicide?: Nope
Pulled an all nighter?: C'mon, I've done 5 years of uni. Of course!
If yes, what is your record?: Like 40 hours. Due to social commitments though. Hehe
Gone one day without food?: Maybe...but I'm sure I'd remember it coz...well, FOOD!
Talked on the phone all night?: Yeah
Slept all day?: Yeah
Thought you're going crazy?: Nah
Kissed the same sex?: No!
Done anything sexual with the same sex?: WTH No!
Had a dream that came true?: Yeah. Wasn't very exciting though.
Broken the law?: Yeah. I think almost everyone has sometime in their lives. Everytime you speed, don't stop for longer than 2 seconds at stop signs, litter and burn CDs/DVDs among other things, you're breaking the law.
Met a famous person?: Dunno, probably
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: Don't think so...
On purpose?: No!
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: Mm...if I promise not to tell, I won't.
Stolen anything?: Yeah
Had a nervous breakdown?: No
Bungee jumped?: No
Had a dream that kept coming back?: No

Believe in life on other planets?: Yeah
Miracles?: Yes
God?: Yes
Satan?: Yes
Ghosts?: Yes
Luck?: I acknowledge it exists, but I don't believe in it in the sense that I'd rely on it.
Love at first sight?: Yeah
Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?: Not really

Deep Theological Questions
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?: Define traditional? I guess yes.
Do you think God has a gender?: No
Do you believe in organized religion?: Yeah.
Where do you think we go when we die?: Pass judgement before God and after that it's really up to Him.

Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: Nah. Well at least I don't think to share anyone?
Who is your best friend?: Who really has one best friend these days? I guess Anna.
Who's the one person that knows most about you?: Me? Anna?
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?:
Your favourite inside joke?: Nutty Noddy and his cold, cold A-Bomb.
Who's your longest known friend?: Seamus
Newest?: Bruce and Maggie
Shyest?: Me? I'm my friend. Ooo! Mel-stylez when she's doing announcements! Haha
Funniest?: Trying to think when I last laughed the hardest and that was last week at Pannies when Julz told us about how he slipped on dog poo in France etc hahahaha sorry Julz that was too funny! Otherwise...lots of ppl. Chris (colourful language), Drew (stories a la Warren), Garry (jibes), Quoc (antics)
Sweetest?: Oh I think this always has to be a girl, guys aren't thoughtful enough. Anna of course.
Closest?: Ooo could make ppl jealous now so I'll just say they know who they are. But Anna's in there by default.
Weirdest?: Erm, in a good way Dave would be the most non-conformist individual and I guess that's qualifies as weird. Then maybe Adam who's um different.
Smartest?: I'm surrounded by geniuses. But to narrow, Anna (lucky for me), Chops, Julz, Norman. (In alphabetical order so don't go looking too deep!)
Friends you miss being close to the most?: Everyone really, each and every friend has something unique about them that I appreciate.
Who do you talk to most online?: A bit of everyone really, don't have massive pow-wows on MSN anymore
Who are you on the phone with most?: Anna. That's a no-brainer.
Who listens to your problems?: Anna, Nabs, KJ.
Who do you fight most with?: Who do you think?
Who's the nicest?: Oh c'mon, too many to name just one! But I'll try at the risk of leaving ppl out. I'm narrowing it down to those almost unnaturally nice people - Brian, Dave, Karl, Mandy. Hmm I think they've all got one trait in common - gentleness.
Who's the most outgoing?: As in social butterfly...Alice?
Who's the best singer?: Dave at church
Who's on your shit-list?: No the moment! Hehe
Who's your second family?: YG ppl
Do you always feel understood?: Mm...not really
Who's the loudest friend?: Chris?
Do you trust others easily?: Yeah
Who's house were you last at?: Besides my own, my cousin's in Toronto
Friend that lives farthest away: Cousin and his family in Toronto, but he classifies as a relative so Bruce, Maggie et al in LA.

Love and All That
Do you consider love a mistake?: Huh? No.
What do you find romantic?: Err...night-time, walks at the Botanical Gardens
Have you ever wished it was more socially acceptable for a girl to ask a guy out: Yes as a matter of principle. A lot of girls are so vocal when it comes to gender equality, then go all old-fashioned when it comes to something like this. You can't have your cake and eat it too!
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: No not really. Just an asian dude.
What is best thing about the opposite sex?: Feminine beauty.
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: Their love for "the game"
What's the last present someone gave you?: Hoodie from Maria

Who was the last person...
That haunted you?: Huh? No one
You wanted to kill?: No one.
That you laughed at?: Julz and his French doggy do story! Hahaha
That laughed at you?: Brian, Julie and Mandy hearing some of my US stories driving from/to Soul Survivor
You went shopping with?: Anna. 34th and 6th?
That broke your heart?: That's a bid 'arsh
To make you cry?: Noah and Allie from The Notebook. Wait, wait, no...that was laughter.
To brighten up your day?: Coming back home and seeing my family and friends
That you thought about?: Roddick coz he's playing on Centre Court now!
You saw a movie with?: Anna. Memoirs of a Geisha on Christmas Day in NYC
You talked to on the phone?: Anna. She's at the Australian Open and told me to watch the match on TV.
You talked to through MSN/IM/ICQ?: Anna, Garry, Quoc and Henry.
You saw?: My brother when he got off the computer and let me use it.
You lost?: No one.

Right This Moment...
Are you going out?: No.
What are you wearing right now?: MHS Class of 2000 t-shirt and pink candy-striped J. Crew boxers yeah baybee!
Body part you're touching right now?: I keep running my hands over my legs coz I think I got bitten by mosquitoes before.
What are you worried about right now?: Looking forward to but still worried about - the future.
What book are you reading?: Every Man, God's Man
What's on your mousepad?: It's blue.
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling?: Excited, Full, Preoccupied, Nonchlant, Happy!
Are you bored?: No not really
Are you tired?: A little
Are you talking to anyone online?: Nope
Are you talking to anyone on the phone?: Nope
Are you lonely or content?: Content
Are you listening to music?: Yep. Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap. So haunting it's mesmerising.


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