Saturday, February 11, 2006

The Mirror

our youth group has a blog now.

far out!

it'll be even harder keeping three er...i mean two blogs updated.

and it doesn't help when someone just vanished from the face of the cyber-earth on Sunday, November 13th never to blog again!!! maybe they have other issues to contend with...hmm

in other news, i woke up at about 12pm today. had a late one last night when heaps of people came over to play pictionary. we managed to also hit up a game of angels and assassins also known as mafia. thanks to all those who came and even for offering to help clean up in the end. i remember hearing monica say "no, we should help you clean up" which spurred everyone into action hehe

tonight will possibly be another late one for a friend's birthday. haven't been clubbing in a looong time, and sorry to Cat, Cliff and Garry for piking on Amber last night. but hey didn't i hear one of youse say that you've given up drinking? or was that clubbing? or was that the drink-and-club? you bloody idiot.

it'll be interesting to see where we go tonight. could happen across a club that is holding that exclusive event - the sausage fest. i had enough of that after "Euro-Trip Uncut" and then again at a spa in Marysville. and we don't want those ones.


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