Wednesday, March 29, 2006

easy does it

so here i am, sitting here on one of the last days of march thinking...always thinking. am i slipping back into being a melancholic?

i don't feel too well though. headache, headache, go away, come again another day...

as such, i've justified my decision not to go to class today. that means no Singin' in the Rain (1952) and that famous umbrella dancing scene with Gene Kelly. i want to go but the flesh knows i won't be able to take it. i think drew may be right and i might have some watered down version of narcolepsy, since everytime i think of going to my tute, i feel sleepy. and im sure that's how i'd be if i actually went to my tute today. paying attention requires so much effort. so does trying to say something, anything, in order to get participation marks.'d think that my experience in subjects like auditing would help me be totally comfortable waffling on and putting in more than my 2c to pilfer marks...

i'm also really anxious about the whole recruitment process. all those interviews, written answers, preparing, wondering, worrying about how people perceive you. it's really disconcerting. i guess i'll just have to rely on God once again to fish me out of my little hole where i'm so insulated against the world and its opinions.

anyway i think i'll gonna go back to watching House. i've got the first season on DVD and been watching intermittently since monday. pretty inspiring really. i think i'll make it a thing where whenever im watching House, i'll watch it from the treadmill while losing calories. 45 min episode, 45 mins on the treadmill. yeahhh...


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