Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Sick and Tired

I really shouldn't be blogging.

I have class at 3:15pm and before going in, I have to return a book on Casablanca I used for my assignment to the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA) library down on St Kilda Road. And it'll take agesss finding a 4hr or a day park at Melb Uni after that. Hmm...

I wanted to watch one of the DVDs I bought on Monday but I spent the last hour playing with KJ instead and giving him his new toy (a red Kong to replace the black one he lost last year) I bought from Olinda yesterday. I'm torn between Breakfast at Tiffany's or Casablanca. I opted out of Snatch since I saw that recently and the last of the four DVDs I bought, A Life Less Ordinary, I saw on Monday night at Anna's with Vanessa and Vic. Hey they both start with V...haha Channel V Squared!

Anyway, I don't really have much else to say, thought it was about time I posted again, I've been a bit tardy recently. I don't think I've given very much for you guys to feast on. I think that's a result of being super busy with work, Uni, grad applications and being sick! All this is taking a lot of out me, but I guess I'm doing stuff and being productive.

This week's lecture topic is Early Film Movements & Key European Movements and today's screening will be a 1929 movie Un Chien Andalou and Belle de Jour (1967) which should be interesting. I haven't done the readings so I have absolutely no idea what to expect. I think the idea is to introduce topics like experimental/avant-garde roots of cinema and surrealist films which doesn't sound too bad. I guess it depends what they mean by artistic.

I'm now in two minds about going into Uni bummy or "smart-cas" since it's Vic's graduation tonight and I'll be around because of class. I remember for Anna's graduation, I didn't wear a tie and everyone else did...which annoyed the hell out of me! I had the damn tie in the car! Arrrggghhh!!! I also have a cell leader meeting tonight straight after Uni so I guess something comfortable is on the cards. Is it weird I'm thinking about my attire? Isn't it a girly thing to worry about? Or is it normal these days given the changing gender dynamics? Or could it even be reasonable to want to present myself smartly? Eh...I'm still sick so I'll wear something warm, including something collared and the customary jeans. *Sigh* The show must go on...


Blogger Julz said...

Nah mate, shirt and pants are fine. I'd go without the tie anyday. I think i caught the cold off ya... either you or Nessa at mahjong! Damn you!!!!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:28:00 pm  
Blogger greggie said...

haha im just finishing off the cold now, but i reckon i got it off peter lin at soccer last thursday night...haha oh well

Sunday, April 30, 2006 3:37:00 pm  

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