Friday, April 07, 2006


fully dodge...

sitting here at 10:45am at work blogging, instead of processing some contractor invoices on MYOB.

This morning I woke up so damn bleary eyed and took a really long, hot shower to wake myself up after 4 hours sleep. I went to mel’s bday bash at Red Box karaoke in glenny and that was fun, haven’t karaoked in a while. Although I must say the MHS/Melb Uni karaoke sessions are way more…shall we say, uninhibited. Haha probably due to the copious amounts of alcohol consumed!

My eyes are really dry now as well, since stupid me, I left my glasses in mum’s car from soccer last night and I had to wear contacts today. Couple that with the fact that I’m done over from last night, and the heaters in the office are turned up and well, I’m rooted.

I’m so damn hungry as well. Yesterday I had a really light lunch after work to accommodate for the excessive slushing around in my stomach during soccer matches. This also meant I skipped dinner and decided to grab something on the way to mel’s after soccer but that didn’t eventuate. Furthermore, this morning, since I took a long shower, I sacrificed my breakfast eating time. Which means that in the last 24 hours, I’ve had 1.5 meals. Far out…well I guess it could be a blessing in disguise, since i'm trying to lose my love handles. More so for tomorrow and monday when i'm kitted up in a shirt, tie and suit because i have a wedding and a job interview to attend respectively.

Thought I’d also give a plug (albeit an old, old one – 10 years?) to the Prodigy album, The Fat of The Land. Decided I needed some good music to get me pumped up for last night’s soccer game and boy that CD hit the spot! After soccer while driving to mel’s with vic and peter accompanying me, I decided for a more mellow approach and came up with none other than the BJ, billy joel himself. Such a contrast! Haha…

Oh, and I just got a free Dell bubblejet printer from work. We don’t need one here since we’ve got laser ones, and no one else wanted it. AIGHT...? Haha sweet. That’s a black IBM monitor and now a printer. Hmm can’t wait till they decide we don’t need a whole computer and pass that off to me, it’s only a matter of time now…


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