Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Eva Longoria

Haha OMG I just had to put this link up...but I still stick by my principles that rape is WRONG.

Let's put it this way, 10 gazillion is more than the amount of penises that were shown in Eurotrip Uncut. Anyway, I'll be away till tomorrow night see you guys later!

Monday, June 27, 2005

The Apology

Sorry. That's what I have to say to you guys for the last post. I just re-read it and it's so stock standard it borders on disgusting, in a word: BO-RING. I've noticed it lacked any quirk which I always try to include to spruce things up a bit. I concentrated on the macro rather than micro when macro is only interesting if it involves Tom Cruise acting like a complete d**k again. (

Anyway, what I failed to mention but could have included in the last post were:
- International students can be really weird (annoying), especially if they take half an hour to ask if you can help correct their 70-page thesis (in the middle of watching a DVD mind you) while somehow also slipping in their thoughts on the Australian tertiary education system. Lucky for me I get to experience this unbridled joy EVERY SINGLE DAY. I might take Steve's suggestion to "just slap 'em". Nice.

- Composed my list of Top 10 songs of all time by request of Quoc. In the end, I gave him a list of about 25...and it's still growing. Also realised I'm a bit of a poof, least I'm honest.

- If you don't already know (and if you even remotely know of me), I'm a massive Mandy Moore fan and I finally watched "How To Deal" the last Mandy movie I hadn't seen. While it wasn't great, seeing Mandy made me happy. I feel complete. Did I mention I'm a Mandy Moore fan?

-Microwaved my dinner only for mum to take it out early and nuke pork bones for Kevin and KJ. When I went back to re-heat my cold noodles, the microwave smelt like the butcher's. You know you're at the bottom of the pecking order when the dogs have higher microwave priority than you do...

- Received the Foxtel Digital TV Guide for July (so excited about endless amounts of TV!!!) and saw they're showing "Euro Trip Uncut Version" commencing July those who've seen it, you know what I'm thinking, those that haven't - don't! (Unless you love sausage fests)

Anyway, that's how the world really is on this Monday 27th June, 2005.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

The World According to Greg

Even though it's only been 5 days it feels as if blogging exists in a parallel universe of mine, I don't recall writing my last entry! But I think the reason for that is because I've been really busy which is a good thing though.

Anyway I worked full day on Tues, Wed I picked my bro from the airport and at night went to a post-exam celebration at TGIF's in Sth Yarra which was good - saw a few faces I hadn't seen in a while. Thurs morning I went to the Orthopaedic Surgeon and he showed me the MRI I got a few weeks back, to tell me that I didn't have a meniscal tear! Yippeeee! But the cartilege behind my kneecap was worn out a little and I have an inflammed infrapatellar fat pad. Basically my prescription is see the physio and he'll sort me out over a few weeks. After that appointment I went to get some new glasses (finally!) and found out my p's had upgraded our private health care which meant I only had to pay a $30 gap! Sweet...

Friday I worked the full day again and then had YG last night which was pretty cool - Franny and I were saved by the ingenuity of Brian in coming up with a good skit! Kudos Brian! Then the rest of the night I helped paint stuff for VBS, in particular what was supposed to be a lion but which I painted a bright orange colour and looked more like "a slimy alien's egg" as it was so aptly described! Hehe...

Anyway tonight I'm going to see Rove McManus do stand-up. I love Rove and his show, but it'll be interesting to see how he goes on the stage. Some people don't like him and think he's not funny but he's an affable character I think - he's warm.

So that's The World According to Greg for the time being, hope you guys enjoy the holidays! Parrtttyyyyyyy!!!

Monday, June 20, 2005

The Zoo

Orright had a good hard think about the silly "Interesting" series of posts and came to the conclusion that they are, well...silly!

Why outline "interesting" happenings throughout the week in one post? That's what we're meant to do normally! Argh, sometimes I get frustrated at how dumb I can be! Needless to say, "The Interesting Series" is now dead.

Meanwhile I went to the zoo yesterday to 'scope it out' in preparation for Vacation Bible School (VBS - remember this well b/c I'll be using this in the future) beginning July 4th. Drew, Peter Lin and I worked out a route for the kids we'll be taking and I must say we were disappointed at how many enclosures were cordoned off because "the animals are feeding" or "closed for renovations" or "new Bonobos (haha okay there were no bonobos but I do this for Sanji and Ann) coming soon - mother giving birth." It was a travesty! So much so that I came up with my own little business plan to open up a zoo with no animals and charge people a discounted rate of like $2 entry. There wouldn't be much of a difference really, save for the odd "Animals hibernating" sign being up all year round. Hehe dodgy asian!

But overall it was still okay, I got to see the lions and elephants and gorillas. I guess cynicism increases with age, you want bang for your buck so to speak. I'm sure the kids won't care, kids are kids. That's the difference between them and us I guess - they're genuinely happy. Oh well...

Saturday, June 18, 2005

The Hello Boys

Ahh...I've missed this feeling, the feeling of true liberation having been shackled by the weight of uni work, both through the semester and at its worst during exams.

However instead of being free to do absolutely nothing, I find myself just as busy (although I do concede it's not as mundane as uni homework) with:

Working RED Retail
Working DJs
Orthopaedic Surgeon appointments
Orthodontist appointments
Optometrist appointment (yeah everything's wrong with me)
VBS meetings
Gippsland camp
Socialising, reading, watching TV/movies

Yeah, so that's what's up with me. Hello winter holidays!

Sunday, June 12, 2005

The Interesting Vol. 1

As a result of one of those 'insightful' MSN conversations (haha Christina I know you're reading, I told you to be careful what you say to me) I've decided to test a little hypothesis of mine.

H0 (Null Hypothesis): My life is not interesting
HA (Alternative Hypothesis): My life is interesting

I guess there's no real way to gauge what interesting actually is without being subjective but eh oh well! So anyway I'm gonna dedicate one post every week to outline the most interesting stuff that's happened to me over that week.

So without further ado I'll kick off the series with this week's (Sunday 5/6 - Saturday 11/6) entry...

7/6 Tuesday - Had a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan on my left knee. Boy that was weird, the appointment was 8:50pm at the Epworth so going there and walking through ghostly corridors gave me a bit of an eerie feeling. While in the waiting room watched a bit of The OC (!!!) haha that was a highlight, I took the atmosphere in like a raver on E! The whole setting of ultra-sanitary floors and the tranquility of that time of night, plus the fact that it was a very welcome world away from the stress of exams made me wanna live there. Then I saw "The Machine". I fully thought it'd be some quick x-ray type thing but I was so wrong. It was one of those ones where you lie down and slide into the hole, much like when you get cremated. Reading case studies on machines that ended up fatally wounding people in an IS subject (Who can forget the grisly deaths from the Therac-25?) did nothing ease my anxiety but with the help of a nice radiologist and some soothing music, I closed my eyes and relaxed, something wonderful and unexpected especially during the middle of exams.

11/6 Saturday - Bought a new TV. A far cry from the massive plasma we got a few mths ago but I guess it doesn't come with the fuss of having like three remotes because of the in-built DVD/VCD/CD player. Finally! I can watch VCDs! (And I hear all the Asians cheer...haha oh dear)

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Not D&M

Had 333-301 Investments exam this morning...INTENSE. I am so thankful for finance subjects not having hurdle exams.

I wanna be deep and meaningful (D&M for ppl that don't know - recently I've come across a few ppl unaware of this abbreviation) but I'm too tired, too busy (or at least I should be, since it's the exam period), and just...empty.

I guess the only response you'll elicit from me right now is, "F**k I'm buggered..."

5 days to go...

Saturday, June 04, 2005


Yep. This is it. I know it.

Woke up at 12pm, had lunch, surfed the net. The time is now 2:10pm and I've nothing to show for it.

I believe I have reached my limit. I study really hard for between 4 days and a week, then I officially become a bum. One lecture summary in the last 2 days should explain it. All the hard work undone...
