Monday, June 27, 2005

The Apology

Sorry. That's what I have to say to you guys for the last post. I just re-read it and it's so stock standard it borders on disgusting, in a word: BO-RING. I've noticed it lacked any quirk which I always try to include to spruce things up a bit. I concentrated on the macro rather than micro when macro is only interesting if it involves Tom Cruise acting like a complete d**k again. (

Anyway, what I failed to mention but could have included in the last post were:
- International students can be really weird (annoying), especially if they take half an hour to ask if you can help correct their 70-page thesis (in the middle of watching a DVD mind you) while somehow also slipping in their thoughts on the Australian tertiary education system. Lucky for me I get to experience this unbridled joy EVERY SINGLE DAY. I might take Steve's suggestion to "just slap 'em". Nice.

- Composed my list of Top 10 songs of all time by request of Quoc. In the end, I gave him a list of about 25...and it's still growing. Also realised I'm a bit of a poof, least I'm honest.

- If you don't already know (and if you even remotely know of me), I'm a massive Mandy Moore fan and I finally watched "How To Deal" the last Mandy movie I hadn't seen. While it wasn't great, seeing Mandy made me happy. I feel complete. Did I mention I'm a Mandy Moore fan?

-Microwaved my dinner only for mum to take it out early and nuke pork bones for Kevin and KJ. When I went back to re-heat my cold noodles, the microwave smelt like the butcher's. You know you're at the bottom of the pecking order when the dogs have higher microwave priority than you do...

- Received the Foxtel Digital TV Guide for July (so excited about endless amounts of TV!!!) and saw they're showing "Euro Trip Uncut Version" commencing July those who've seen it, you know what I'm thinking, those that haven't - don't! (Unless you love sausage fests)

Anyway, that's how the world really is on this Monday 27th June, 2005.


Blogger Steven Ta said...

Of course, I meant slap 'em figuratively, not literally. But whatever tickles your fancy, ey?

Monday, June 27, 2005 7:16:00 pm  

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