Sunday, June 12, 2005

The Interesting Vol. 1

As a result of one of those 'insightful' MSN conversations (haha Christina I know you're reading, I told you to be careful what you say to me) I've decided to test a little hypothesis of mine.

H0 (Null Hypothesis): My life is not interesting
HA (Alternative Hypothesis): My life is interesting

I guess there's no real way to gauge what interesting actually is without being subjective but eh oh well! So anyway I'm gonna dedicate one post every week to outline the most interesting stuff that's happened to me over that week.

So without further ado I'll kick off the series with this week's (Sunday 5/6 - Saturday 11/6) entry...

7/6 Tuesday - Had a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan on my left knee. Boy that was weird, the appointment was 8:50pm at the Epworth so going there and walking through ghostly corridors gave me a bit of an eerie feeling. While in the waiting room watched a bit of The OC (!!!) haha that was a highlight, I took the atmosphere in like a raver on E! The whole setting of ultra-sanitary floors and the tranquility of that time of night, plus the fact that it was a very welcome world away from the stress of exams made me wanna live there. Then I saw "The Machine". I fully thought it'd be some quick x-ray type thing but I was so wrong. It was one of those ones where you lie down and slide into the hole, much like when you get cremated. Reading case studies on machines that ended up fatally wounding people in an IS subject (Who can forget the grisly deaths from the Therac-25?) did nothing ease my anxiety but with the help of a nice radiologist and some soothing music, I closed my eyes and relaxed, something wonderful and unexpected especially during the middle of exams.

11/6 Saturday - Bought a new TV. A far cry from the massive plasma we got a few mths ago but I guess it doesn't come with the fuss of having like three remotes because of the in-built DVD/VCD/CD player. Finally! I can watch VCDs! (And I hear all the Asians cheer...haha oh dear)


Blogger San G said...

man, the headphones were busted when i had my MRI! No music!
also, this comment in no way supports or disproves H0 or HA.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005 1:39:00 am  

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