Someday We'll Know
*Sigh* You know what? I just don't think it was meant to be, me and her. =(
"Fathers be good to your daughters,
Ahh, another warm sunny Melbourne day, it's a Friday too which means ultimate bumming without any worries (far from it, it's the 2nd last week of Uni but a little wishful thinking never hurt anyone!). I really enjoyed the drive home from Uni today, despite the beginnings of peak hour traffic and one or two terrible drivers, I can say with confidence that Melbourne really is a great place to live. Seeing cities in magazines and on TV always paints a pretty picture, but what is reality really like? New York, the "Big Apple" is lovely, I'm sure, bustling with activity, but what about the crime? Everyone knows you cannot just take a stroll in the evening at Central Park West without fearing for your life. LA? La-la land it may be, where all the pretty people live, but crime there too is rife. I'm sure there are also far-reaching consequences of putting so much emphasis on the entertainment industry. Good to visit, but not good to live.
Mm, well today was a glorious day, it was warm, the sun was shining and my classes were actually engaging! Furthermore, I got to Uni early as well - if you know me well, you'll know I have a problem with punctuality. I even had time to kill and I spent it sitting on one of the tables outside U-Bar (I hear it's named something more catchy now) reading a brochure on what's on at the International Arts Festival. It gave me some interesting reading actually, I brought it with me to my first lecture (Cost Management at 1pm - yea I start late, I am a bum) and found some unique concepts like "Eavesdrop" which 'pushes the limits of cinematic and theatrical imagination' and is described as 'Part game, part real-time filmmaking, part spectator sport, part magical realism.' From what I gathered, it was similar to being able to change the movie the way you want to. The one that most caught my attention was "uBung," a Belgian theatre production where 6 children onstage are asked to watch a black and white film without sound of 6 adults interacting at a dinner party. As the dinner party wears on, tensions grow and petty arguments and hidden desires emerge. After this, the children are dressed up as each of the 6 adults and are made to act out the entire film, but with their own dialogue. Makes for some really interesting results ey? Pity this production ended 17th October. The whole festival actually ends this Saturday.
Okay, i guess i've built my blog up a bit but em, the reality is that i don't have massively interesting stuff to talk about. (!!!) Maybe im "boring as borry" as some might say...
It's 1200hours on an overcast Thursday morning and I'm currently listening to Jeff Buckley's "Hallelujah". I have to get ready for Uni soon. This post was created through the notion in my first blog about struggle. While I'm struggling with a cold, struggling to find motivation to go to Uni and struggling with trying to come up with something engaging to post, I felt that my blog looked a little empty, what with all of ONE entry. I thus decided, in my "infinite" wisdom, to provide my first post with a partner and companion, which will mark the prolificacy of many interesting posts.