almost half the year over.
i was thinking tonight, "boy has it been one heck of a journey." this is quite the understatement i believe, having read a plethora of emails dating back to 2002 - the earliest emails i could find in my hotmail account. (gmail began about 2004)
and i'm bursting inside, seeing where i was, who i talked to, how i talked to them and what i talked about. im so happy i still kept these emails, but time has flown by so quickly.
at first i thought, "what a waste of an hour" but when i really think about it, i don't regret the last hour at all. in fact, i'm happy i spent it trawling through those emails. some...wait who am i kidding? MANY of them made me cringe but those experiences, good or bad, shaped and moulded me into the more complete and mature person i am today.
and i thoroughly enjoyed reading the various threads and followed them email after email, slowly reading the next exciting instalment yet knowing full well what happened next, much like a novel i've read before but forgotten the minute details. "oh i remember that! but, what happened there? ohhh! that's right haha that was hilarious! i totally forgot about that!"
i cant wait what the next 6 years of emails throws my way, with me laughing hard about what silly things i said way back in good old 2008.
ahh life. i love it.