Friday, February 23, 2007

still using

looked up events in melbourne this year, hoping to find maybe an ad about either the foo fighters or switchfoot touring down here but unfortunately didnt. but i did stumble upon The Nutcracker being performed by the Australian Ballet! it's in September and tickets go on sale late march. A-res seats are only $54, since i'm a youth under 26 years of age. sweet.

i'm also going to Swan Lake on april 29th - it's contemporary, more of a musical than ballet so that will be interesting. this year will be a year of Tchaikovsky!

i'm so pov atm. im like a junkie waiting for my next fix, when i get my first paycheck somewhere in late March. but somehow coming back from overseas with a $1600 debt and only $200 in my bank account i've managed to scrounge my way through this last month and a half.

i've done okay despite my circumstances. i haven't disappeared off the face of the earth, some people still see me. and if i go out i'll still buy something substantial to eat or drink. the only difference is that now, when people ask me if they can borrow money i'll open my wallet and they'll see that i don't have any to lend them.

hmm...i have 2.5 weeks before i start work full time.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Productivity: 1000


so while lying in bed trying hard not to cough for it would upset my fractured rib, i figured out something...

last year, the rave was going to someone's place for pictionary and other board games

this year, the rave is going to someone's place for Wii or PS3 or some other gaming console.

there you go...

i can be really productive when i set my mind to it

Monday, February 05, 2007

2007 - Day 1

ah i feel sick...

less of a headache now, but stomach still doing its gurgling thing every now and then.

i still think my food poisoning must've been from some uncooked rissole or sausage on saturday. oh yeah i went to philip island from friday night till yesterday evening for a cell leader retreat. i felt it was kinda short, shorter than the two last year, but i think this one was more honest and we got more down to business. looking fwd to grabbing this year by the balls.

spent most of the morning looking up stuff and checking email. also singed up for a commsec account so i can trade shares. that'll be interesting.

today is also freaken hot. 38 i think it's meant to be. and it's not helping my recovery.

because of the retreat i think i'm still an introspective mood. i'm confronting myself and analysing my flaws, which is such a melancholy, EMO thing to do haha. so that's probably why i've been productive this morning.

after this im going to type up the minutes of the meeting of this new audio-visual business me, Alex, Ken and Mikey are going to start up. then i've gotta type up the notes from yesterday's youth group planning session - and there's lots of changes there.

i think today feels like the real first day of 2007, like it's really, really here and it's finally hit me. spent the first 2 weeks of the year in Hong Kong, then came back, showed my uncle around Melbourne for a week or two, then spent another week showing Haruka and Benny around, then the cell leader retreat. my birthday is this friday as well, so i know in the next few nights i'll be doing the emo thing and thinking about where i am in life etc and where im going now that i'm almost 24.

. i like that song, by switchfoot, it was actually written when the lead singer was 24. hmm...

so, now i don't have any real commitments till i begin work at Pitcher Partners on march 13.

switchfoot is playing on my iTunes now - dare you to move. timing? nice.