ok yea well....i was browsing around looking at blogs of other ppl and stuff, and came to a realisation. that if i only usually stopped to read the blog if i knew the person well enough, which led to the conclusion that i'm self-centred (whoa huge surprise there) because if i knew the person well enough, they might make a mention of me on their blog.
so this post is for those people out there who might usually just skim my posts, i'm gonna try to name-drop a lot of ppl out there that i know from somewhere or another.
so let's see...where will i start? well right now im listening to this CD that
anna let me borrow coz i was interested to hear a debut album. it's by a girl called Ai Hui who's a friend of a few people i know. she had a CD launch about a month ago i think and i was meant to go but i had something else on that night so i didnt make it. anyway, it's kinda soothing music which im in the mood for. she's got a really sweet voice too. but yeah, back to name-dropping....oh yeah ok so i heard that
pete and
julz went to her CD launch as well, then went to line up for ages at krispy kreme. man, props to you guys coz that's full dedication for some soft, soft donuts.
havent seen you guys in ages! but it'll be really cool seeing you guys tomorrow, plus the usual MHS suspects
steve ta. and i also managed to rope in
norman! who's only in melb for a little bit to graduate before he heads back to bei jing to finish off his year-long chinese course. and i cant forget ppl like
winnie and
lea who i havent seen in like...yeah i cant even remember. and i hear
duncan might even make an appearance? are you for serious??
in other news,
victor and i went to have a drink at fed square with
norms yesterday and it was such a warm sunday for winter! afterwards was shopping and wanted to buy t-shirts and realised i'd have to part with at least $50 to realise the dream, then remembered that
tam and
dave did the whole self-made tees not long back and rang tam to find out how to go about doing this! so thanks to
tam, i'll probably save heaps on t-shirts i'll love even more than ones that will be like three times the price!
so yea as you might have read, i also graduated on saturday. which was cool coz that means i dont have to worry about failing or doing assignments or getting into admin trouble at uni no more. sweet. good to see
nam and
ben who i haven't seen in a while either. and while i didnt actually see
quoc, i heard him when he cheered for me while i went up to get my certificates hahah.
speaking of cheering ppl on, i anticipate to get back into DBB soccer soon. luckily for me, SCUC soccer has changed from being in the same div as
simon and co, to doncaster on tuesday nights with
peter and
so i planned to keep it quite quiet this week, since i havent been home before 11pm for 9 days straight! stuff has always seemed to come up. and ive managed to reply to some emails, namely
steve who's in japan, and
alice who's currently in hk or vietnam or something. which reminds me about my impending trip to asia over the aussie summer. at the moment i've got no one travelling with me, which i think will be ok in the end. maybe it's meant to be that i go alone and just spend a long time by myself for once in my life and face one of my fears, to be by myself. it'll be much harder as well being in non-english speaking countries in japan and korea but oh well. although in japan i'll have my aunty who lives in tokyo or nagoya i think, and
steve who i can get accommodation from. also,
adam's gonna be over there studying in sapporo so i'll probably visit him too. and his jap is real good so i feel comfortable hanging out with him and him doing all the speaking for me!
oh greg you're so hot - anonymous" not so anonymous anymore hey
christina? gimme the number of your drum teacher! and gimme more recommendations of your fav movies!
so moving on, i think i'm going to have a late, late, all out night soon coz i havent had one of those in a while. which probably means clubbing. who are the main instigators? well, the perennial clubbers like
lena and
cat hahah and dont deny it you guys, you know you're hardcore! but yea looking forward to one of them soon.
although it's not always easy to do it tough on friday nights since i'll have a full day (after a full week) of work, followed closely by YG, then clubbing. usually after YG i'll have supper at box hill or pannies where heaps of us went last time incl.
ken, mikey,
mel etc.
and last but not least, i look forward to having one of those mad mah-jong/dinner/singstar/akira kurosawa dubbing sessions we used to have, with the likes of
manz and
katie in the fold. although this time we'll be without the
K Show because of course, she's in the UK!
anyway i think this has been quite a massive post, hopefully i havent missed anyone that reads this on a regular basis, but yea, a bit pressed for time, i gotta go to bed now coz i have work tomorrow....argh it never ends! ok bye