Saturday, August 19, 2006

Karaoke Birthdays

On the way home from watching "Hoodwinked" at Vic Gardens and looking at the clock in the car tonight, I came to a realisation that the frenetic pace of my lifestyle isn't so much due to external forces requiring me to be here, there and everywhere, but rather because I don't feel like I've maximised utility (ooo yeah haven't used that one in a while - that's for all you economics geeks out there) unless I wake up early in the morning and stay out till at least 11pm.

So tonight after having a nice cheap dinner at Xiao Ting in Richmond opposite Co Do's (we didn't feel it was right to go there without Juzzy) I felt slightly unfulfilled when I arrived home just before 10pm. I think I'm so accustomed to being out so late every single night doing one thing or another that whenever I come home early it feels like one of those times where you wanna go out but no one else can make it.

Having a lot more reflective time on public transport given my current "car-less" status, I also realise that I haven't had one of those massive, massive, late, late night karaoke bashes in a long time.

The culmination of my argument is as such: let's do a massive karaoke session like the days of old (or maybe not so old) and I'm gonna try and not be soft this time and stay till the end! You MHS guys know what type of k-session I'm talking about! Yeah you know - like last year when we kept on getting shots from those bar girls Baloo and Fifi or whatever the hell their names were, and also last year when everyone went nuts during a rendition of "Y.M.C.A." for Chops and Ben's birthday! Speaking of which, their birthday is in 3 weeks! So I reckon we should try organise one for 4 weeks time, say Friday 15th or Saturday 16th September? Chops, Ben, what do you reckon?

Ooo I'm getting excited already!


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