Monday, July 24, 2006


I've only been home for 6 days and already things are going at break-neck speed! But I'm not really surprised, it is me afterall!

So yeah, doing the blogging thing once again about to have dinner after a busy day at work. I'm working full-time now at RED, 9:00am-5:30pm shift every weekday, which is totally the opposite to what I expected before the Thailand trip. I thought that maybe they might've found a replacement for me and I would've been unemployed...and possibly looking to get hooked up with a job at some indie video store. But as luck would have it, I'm back at RED working more hours than ever. I think I've semi-quit this place about 3 times now! Once the middle of last year, then again the end of last year before my USA trip, then a month ago just before the Thailand trip. But I just keep getting pulled back in...

So as with other people who've gone on mission trips, I'm experiencing withdrawal symptoms. I didn't think it'd affect me this much, but every now and then I find myself speaking Thai in my head in place of English words; glap ban, attitan, ruk kun, gin khao, nit noi, pra jao pri Yesu. I'm also finding myself muttering Thai names like Neung, Nee, Bless, Bet, Bert, Bow, Bao, Min, Pui, Jae, Ja, Beng and Bang. And you know when you associate a song with a time in your life and it just sticks and you end up loving the song to death? Yeah, well if you get the chance, have a listen to Beauty of Your Peace by Tim Hughes.

Even the negatives don't bother me, I had two bouts of diarrhoea, still have red spots on my legs and feet from mosquito and ant bites, might have head lice and also have an inconsistent stomach. Oh, and I've probably got worms. But I'm so much the wiser for having this experience, I mean, if I had not gone on this trip I would definitely have been doing things that PALE in comparison for eg. bumming around, watching DVDs, reading a little, eating out, shopping and maybe some exercise and opposed to climbing coconut trees, teaching primary school kids the Hokey Pokey and the Aeroplane Jelly song outdoors in the hot Thai sun, consuming 9 baht Yakults and 15 baht Maxibons, freaking out at seeing a spider as big as your face and bolting up the mountain to get away from it, hiding weird melons that an old drunk woman keeps giving to you, sweeping poisonous toads away with a broom, singing with friends under a pagoda in the evenings, and of course, having about 500 high school girls scream when you get on stage. What more could you ask for? Hehehe

So nothing much else will be happening for a while, pretty much the same-old, working five days a week and trying to make the most out of the two days a week I'm "free". Although all this working is beneficial for one thing - my bank account. The proceeds will go towards my holiday fund, and I'm planning to make another trek overseas to Japan and Korea for the first time, and also visits to Hong Kong and Singapore. I'm only a few weeks away from buying my tickets, so is there anyone else out there that wants to do this with me? I want to leave late November (fly out Monday November 27th) to Japan, do that for about 3 weeks, then Korea for about 1.5 weeks, to be in Hong Kong by December 23rd. I'll most likely be coming back January 13th at the latest. I'm also planning a second missions trip to Thailand in late January 2007 so looks like this summer will be action packed!

Anyway enough of this kooky talk, I'm getting ahead of myself.

With love,

Beautiful Faced Diva


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