Saturday, May 20, 2006


Nothing D&M to discuss so once again I'll do a rehash of A Day in the Life of Greg x 8.

So, had a massive last whatever days from my last post.

Went to Boulevard last Saturday night and that was quite a huge one. It was to celebrate mine and Cat's job offers and since I don't normally go clubbing or drink, I thought I'd let loose a little, afterall, how often do you get a full time job?

I woke up feeling pretty shite naturally, and managed to get over the throbbing in my head (after popping a couple of those St Mary's Thistle supplements to support liver function) to make it to church early! How odd, when I'm fine, I get there late, when I'm feeling like I got hit by a truck, I get there early!

Had to leave after about 45mins of service to bring Anna to EY for her grad camp. It was such a rainy piece of poo day and made it home for Mother's Day.

This week has kinda whizzed by with a flurry of activity. Had a bowling night with the boys from my cell on Tuesday (without bowling - played a few games at Galactic Circus instead) and Wednesday was the first time in 4 weeks I had been to my tutorial at 6:15pm. Luke my tutor emailed me earlier in the week and had subtlely told me that he wanted to see me in the tute this week otherwise I'd get a mediocre mark for tutorial attendance/participation. I realise I slowly sunk back into laziness because for the last four weeks I've been going to the screenings, just staying for the lecture then going home or out. Anyway, I thought it was quite funny when Luke read my name out for attendance, and heard me say "Yep", and caught him with this tiny smile as if to say, "Finally you derro!" hahaha.

After the tute, rushed straight to church to see the last part of Victor and Becky's skit and hang around in the foyer. Hmm...didn't manage to make it to the other CNC things though.

Thursday was great! Went to work in the morning, then after lunch went to pick up the new Marantz amplifier for my television. Got home and started setting it up and before I knew it, it was time to go to soccer at 6:20pm. We played a decent game, props to Chris for playing at such short notice, and we ended up narrowly losing 2-3 with one girl short!

After soccer, came home and had dinner then prepared for a big night out. About 11pm, Victor, Justin, Isaac and I headed to Room down on Glenferrie to celebrate Teresa's 20th. It was a great night out, hadn't had a solid drinking session since...well last Saturday, but before that, like a year or two ago! Good to see some of the girls that don't usually come out shakin' their bon bons! Had less to drink that night, but felt it more than Saturday, probably because of the lack of food. I don't remember how I got this lump on my forehead, or the bruise on my back but I do remember singing "Rendezvous" by Craig David at the top of my lungs on the way home. Ahh...the good old days, I'm a sentimentalist.

Yesterday had a hard time waking up for work but managed to get through that initial zombie-like state to work through till 5pm. Had YG at night and that was good fun, our cell played "Spoons" or "P.I.G." as some know it. We won't mention the dare the losers had to do but I'm gonna try and make sure they carry it out!

Today have another busy one. Gonna give KJ a shower before taking him out tomorrow for RSPCA's Million Paws Walk. Then will have to shovel down lunch before heading off to Arrow on Swanston for an iDream event. After that, it's dinner then off to hang out with Drew and Co, then off again to farewell Steve who's leaving for Japan. I expect the last part of the night to be a great catchup session since I haven't seen some of those boys in ages, and I'm sure everyone will make Steve have a hugeeee one.

PS. I love Aero Mint Chocolate!!!


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