Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Plugging Away

"I just can't do it cap'n, I don't have the power..."

I'm so not a Trekkie, I'm actually a Star Wars fan, but I always remembered that line mostly because it's done in a Scottish accent...haha.

So I've only got a week before I leave and I'll been struggling to take time out to even breathe. Study all day today, exam tomorrow morning, work for the rest of the day, work Thurs then farewell dinner at Ayame, work Friday then early start at YG because my cell is leading P&W, 8am Saturday morning for PPP, then after lunch straight into Thailand preparations, then dinner with the team. Doesn't stop Sunday because it's church in the morning and rest of day set aside for meeting up with friends, work all day Monday followed by Missions team dinner with all our parents and then comes Tuesday, most likely to be spent packing, then head to church at 7pm to load the cars and get a send-off from the YG before heading to the airport at 9pm.

Where am I gonna get the time to have a haircut, revise my Thai, prepare bible study, research and buy the electronic drum kit for the trip and exercise?? Argghhh GG


Blogger Soulpadre said...

dear Greggie:

I hope that you are able to find time for sabbath in the midst of all that great activity!

God gives us the one-in-seven principle so He can prove Himself---seven days worth of work done in six. Plus, it is just plain good for your health to slow down.

Peace be with you through Christ our Lord!

Friday, June 23, 2006 10:02:00 am  

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