Monday, June 12, 2006

Queen's Birthday 2006

Yikes! It's been 2 weeks since I've blogged and I was only alerted to the fact by good ol' Dave in Tassie. I guess Hobart doesn't really have much to offer that my blog becomes an activity worth looking forward to? Hehe

Well, my excuse is that I've been ultra busy. Yes, it's exam time and although I only have the one on the 21st, I had to do a 2000 word essay (which we'd been given 9 weeks to do) in 2 days! Hehe so that was my fault.

Aside from Uni though, which is but a small part of my schedule, a fair amount of time has been spent preparing for my upcoming Thailand Missions trip at the end of this month. My Saturday mornings are now spent learning Thai as well as rehearsing dramas, mimes and songs.

I've also had to balance all that with part-time work and a social life. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not complaining but justifying my lack of blogging.

Anyhow, while I was researching for my essay, I actually went out to the Melb Uni and Victorian College of the Arts (VCA) libraries which was refreshing. I hadn't been to a library in ages before that and there was definitely a healthy amount of nostalgia. Seeing as the VCA is on St. Kilda Rd and I had a bit of time to bum around before meeting Anna, I went for a walk in the Botanical Gardens which eventually led me to the Sidney Myer Music Bowl. That was fantastic, I thought they closed it off when there were no events, but I walked to the top of the hill looking down on to the stage and realised I could go all the way down there...and I did! In a moment resembling that of a dream, I walked up on to the stage and just sang which was really liberating, an awesome feeling. Haha yeah, maybe I pretended to be some kind of superstar, or even just a performer for the annual Carols by Candlelight but I loved it! Although I doubt I'd love it as much if there were actually people there but oh well...that was cool.

Also, in my clumsiness this week, rushing to type this and that up, doing an essay, or prepare for meetings or bible studies, I managed to spill some milk on to the keyboard. Which was really annoying and continues to annoy me because the 1-4 and 7-0 keys on the row above the QWERTY line don't work! Which means that if I'm using exclamation marks or brackets, I have to copy and paste from a previously written document. How annoying is that! Haha...silly me. The "End" button also doesn't work, which means when I want to go to the end of a line, I have to either hold down the right arrow key or use the mouse. Moral of the story: don't take your keyboard for granted!

So today is the Queen's Birthday holiday and I'm happy to have an extra day off. But there's no rest for the wicked because I've got Vic's birthday dinner on tonight and work all day tomorrow, followed by a Hepatitis A and B vaccination on Wednesday. More importantly though, I'm spending the rest of my time today tracking down films we watched for my cinema subject to research for my exam. They're really hard to find! So Wednesday I'm going to try and locate the rest of the ones I don't already have at the ERC, but chances are they've all been borrowed out since there are like 300 other people doing the subject.

I've also got World Cup fever, but there's too much to ramble on about so I'll save it for a future post. Go Aussie!

So that's life as it stands for me on this Queens Birthday 2006, and June 12 also happens to be mummy's birthday so, Happy Birthday mum!


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