that's just the way it is
"things'll never be the same..."
unfortunately 2pac was singing about racist oppression which is a serious and bleak topic. but the way i'm using it, for me this phrase represents hope and looking forward to the future.
that's just the way it is, i didn't think life would pan out this way for me; the experiences i've had, situations i've been in, people i've met, but it did. that's just the way it is.
and things will never be the same, but i'm fine with that. i don't want to get stuck in the past, i've learned over the last year that i love moving forward. it's scary and exciting at the same time, but if you've got your head on right and focussed on the right things, it'll always be okay. i'm ready to face more challenges because they are what grows character. status quo doesn't. things will never be the same.
two sleeps before Christmas and nine before '08 is out. i look back and see that every day this year was a good one. even the prickly ones. sure, things went pear shaped, but as a result i learnt hard lessons. and that still makes each day worthwhile - i don't regret anything in 2008 for a split second.
i'm in a good place. i've been like this for a good year now. but i think in reality i've always been in a good place my whole life - only because they are where i've always been destined to be, to bring me to where i am now - filled with faith, hope and love. the greatest of these being love.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everybody.