happy snaps
exam's over and i'm grateful for that.
I think I'm slowly but surely losing my mind.
My lovely Homer Hudson ice cream.
As a result of my study though, my daily reading has gone on a path of its own! Anything I read now soaks in quicker (my reading skills might just have improved! Hah!) but that's tempered by a downside, that whilst reading, a million other related thoughts brew and storm in my mind. In the end it makes for a very intense little session, even if I am just glancing over The Age in an article about Posh Spice's sleeping habits (and no, don't even go there). Everything has now become academic!
One of the books I'm reading titled, "No Perfect People Allowed" is probably not one of the more light and easy reads one could have, and as such, I had to stop after half a chapter just before dinner. It truly did my head in. The one thing I can probably take away from what I read with any sense of clarity is that in postmodernist thought, all truths are equal.
Although, it can be said that perhaps some truths are more equal than others.
Anyway, wish me luck for my exam on Tuesday, 'cause I am going to need it. You stay classy Melbourne. And thanks for stopping by. But mostly stay classy. And thanks for stopping by.