Tuesday, April 12, 2005


I've got a lot of work to do so I'll try and keep this short and sweet.

My weekend was pretty aiiight. Saturday night had Jade's 21st @ Decorum Bar and that was real cool. Loved it! Drinks, people and some funny speeches. Managed to do the Stalacs run after that too! Ooo kebabs. Drew was probably the highlight towards the end of the night haha Nick the Dick and the hermaphs!

Sunday woke up feeling sorry for myself after a late one but organised to head down south for Lena's 21st. Rocked up and saw about 30 cars parked in and around the street! Loved the chicken skewers but was embarrassed when my good mate Garry shouted "Greg, weren't you going to sing a Guy Sebastian song?" during a period of silence just after the speeches. Well and truly owned when Lena said "Yeah! Come on" and Steve (another good mate of mine) pulled me towards the front of the room of 60 or so people. Resisted and 'twas awfully awkward until people realised I wasn't going to do it.

Yesterday night made it to the Melbourne Town Hall to see Glasshouse, a comedy panel on the ABC with Wil Anderson, Dave Hughes and Corinne Grant. That was hilarious! Guests included Pete Helliar (whom I love from Rove Live!), Jason Byrne (whom I knew of from the Comedy Festival Gala) and of course Arj Barker. Hot Lego (you forkin' ijot!), tweaking nipples and humping the s**t out of rabbits. As they say, you had to be there.

I've noticed tonight that a few people have blogged in the last day or two, but before that no one had blogged for a while. What's the go people? Are you all in collusion and post on the same day, causing me to spend ages reading all your blogs in one hit then wait like another week before anything new pops up? Or are you all telepathically inter-connected and I'm out of the loop? Wait, I posted yesterday and today too. Maybe I'm in the loop but I don't even know it. Maybe I can read minds but I don't know it! Maybe I'm bulimic! (Zoolander joke)

I cannot believe I haven't mentioned Star Wars yet! Massive fan and only one month and one week till the premiere! Watched Empire Strikes Back on Friday night after Youth Group which got my Jedi-juices flowing. Want to watch the other ones in the box-set but really can't afford the time. Also, my DVD drive still doesn't work which means I cannot play KOTOR II which Sanji kindly burnt for me. Maybe that's a blessing in disguise since I don't have enough time as it is keeping up with Uni and grad apps! May the force be with me!


Blogger San G said...

Community notice: errr...sanji does not condone software piracy! If you like it, buy it!

Saturday, April 16, 2005 2:40:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ey man, i'm bored, and you're not entertaining me... hahah.... i broke a drumstick man... went too hard... i'll get u a new set hahaha
- yogo

Friday, May 13, 2005 2:01:00 pm  

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