Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Recipe for a Blog

I know how it goes. Right now you're thinking 'I don't have anything to say. But I do want to post. What shall I do?'

Don't worry because Iron Chef Wong is here to teach you all about blogging!

First, you have to not give a s**t. As easy as this may sound, this comes with practice, practice and a calm sense of not giving a s**t. It's the only true way to find peace with your inner-blog.

Secondly, you must (and I cannot stress this enough), you must believe in what you post. If you say "I am a Facist" you better damn well have a moustache. If you say "Today I met the girl/guy of my dreams" then you'd better be able to present me with some candid stalking photos. (Oh, and a pair of soiled panties are always good! Guy or girl, I'm not discriminatory!)

Thirdly, lastly and not leastly, you require the bluntness to offend someone. Iron Chef Wong's rule is: You'll offend someone anyway, so why not choose who you want to piss off. For example:
This post I aim to teach people about blogging Sharon is a whore.

Before you know it, voila! Your very own post. It's not hard people, this ain't rocket science! I shall now leave you with a poem from Iron Chef Wong:
Do not show fear,
When you think you are stuck,
For the best advice,
Is to not give a f

Disclaimer: Iron Chef Wong is entirely fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead are purely coincidental. Gregory Wong® takes no responsibility for the contents of this blog and therefore is not liable for any action taken on his advice because it is all bullshit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh that was handy Iron Chef Wong! Maybe i'll use this recipe to start blogging again!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005 12:03:00 am  

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