Sunday, September 04, 2005

The Weekend of 3/9 - 4/9

It's almost 7:45pm and I haven't started my Corp Fi tute h/w yet even though I have to do it since they collect it every week for 0.5% of my final mark! It gets a bit tedious, I've been really slack this semester so I dislike this system very much.

So last night I watched "In Good Company" which stars Topher Grace (from That '70s Show), Scarlett Johansson and Dennis Quaid and I thought it was a decent film. Although after watching it, at first it might seem severely lacking closure in the end, it does make a little more sense upon further consideration. It's meant to be a statement about how unpredictable the world can be, one minute you're on a high, another you life's in turmoil. I must put a SPOILER WARNING here so if you haven't seen it and don't wanna know what happens, stop reading. Anyway, I both liked/disliked the way the movie didn't conform to a predictable storyline, for example, although it would've been sweet to see Carter (Grace) and Alex (Johansson) get together in the end it was more realistic that it didn't happen. But then again who's to say it wouldn't have happened later in their lives? A few questions were left unanswered at the end of the movie but I guess that's what the director wanted to express - the unpredictability of life continues on and on. In that sense, the movie didn't need to tell the audience whether Carter finally chose another profession or what happens to Dan (Quaid) and his family. Overall I enjoyed the movie more than I thought I would have (someone told me it was crap) but you could say I was slightly biased since Topher Grace was in it. Scarlett Johansson has become somewhat of an acquired taste for me, she wasn't particularly outstanding previously but since watching The Island and now In Good Company, I'd say she's definitely growing on me (thespian-wise and physically as well hehe OMG she looked AMAZING in this black dress and red jumper in the movie! Very Charlize Theron-like mmm).

One of the issues that struck a chord with me in the movie was the hotshot Carter moving up the ranks; he becomes head of a department at the age of 26. I guess it stirred thoughts about my decision to opt out of a career in commerce for whatever reasons and highlighted some of the aspects that I personally had issues with.

Other than bumming around this weekend I haven't really done anything noteworthy. I guess I should mention that another international student has come to live with us, he's from Korea and since he's Christian I brought him along to church today. I have to say that I found it pleasantly surprising that people were so welcoming to him today and hopefully something good will come out of this. Another thing that really touched me today was when PT began his sermon emotionally after briefly mentioning his tragedy and Uncle Isaac looked very emotional about it too. Seeing it affect Uncle Isaac almost as much as PT made me a little teary myself because of both PT's pain and the display of brotherly love.

So that's the weekend roundup on this fourth day of September, 2005. I hope you guys had a good weekend and of course, a big Happy Father's Day to all those dad's out there!


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