Thursday, September 01, 2005

More Evil Birds...

Eww. Yesterday while walking to move my car in the 2hr spots at work, I walked past two ravens pecking the crap out of a dead pigeon. It was already dead coz I walked past it in the morning when going to work but it was still gross. So I shooed the ravens off where they flew up the closest tree, waiting for me to go by. But I didn't, I made a loud hissing sound and they flew to the big gum tree overlooking Albert Park Primary School. I knew they were still hanging around so I waved my arms hissing even louder and they flew off. After I moved my car I noticed they weren't in sight and didn't come back. Wooses.

I didn't know ravens ate other birds. I thought local birds ate worms and little insects! I think it's a little macabre (Anna knows what that word means!) myself, but I guess I just never noticed it, maybe until Carol's story last week and then yesterday. Birds are evil! Haha...but I felt like I did a good thing, protecting the pigeon carcass from the bad birds. Maybe it means something. Like a premonition. Protecting helpless people from evil people. Haha mm I wish. But then again I do feel a certain responsibility for someone who seems to get the s**t end of the stick. Yes, he's a bit different but you know, maybe people have pigeon-holed (no pun intended) him into this persona that he feels he has to fight against everyone and be different for people to acknowledge his existence. Either way it will definitely be interesting to see how it all goes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you reckon it's the same pigeon from last friday? haha. It's part of the 'Circle of Life' as my sister describes it. Like what happens in the wild, just that we don't expect to see it in the city. Maybe in some safari out in Africa LOL. But yeah, I still hate ravens.

Friday, September 02, 2005 1:32:00 am  

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