Saturday, August 13, 2005

Cop Out

You know what's a cop out? Something that has pissed me off over the years so frequently that I learnt to get used to it and now I don't care anymore but sometimes still irks me and it reminds me of my inner frustration with it Advanced Hair yeah yeah!

"So what did you do today?"

Bulls**t! Nothing? NOTHING??? I think the only time I would take "nothing" for an answer is if someone just woke from a coma and I asked them,
"So what'd you do in the hospital for six months?"

Even that's a lie because they could've elaborated on how they don't remember anything except maybe seeing the white light. But honestly, I would much rather love it if someone replied "I woke up at 7:13am from a sexual nightmare, then went back to sleep until my alarm woke me up at 9:52am for an 11am Corporate Finance tutorial which consequently I missed because I turned off my alarm only to wake up at 11:01am. Then I got out of bed, left foot first, went to the toilet then washed my hands and brushed my teeth quickly so I could hop online to check my email as I was waiting for someone, ANYONE to email me because I'm so lonely and bored can you tell? I surfed the net for approximately 43mins which included sites such as (insert here) then decided to begin some homework so went back into my room and sat at my desk for 40 seconds thinking about what I have to do, then proceeded to clean my desk...then my room, then vacummed the house, oh mother would be so pleased! Anyway after doing that it tired me and I sat down thinking about how housecleaners do it for a living, which led on to me daydreaming about having a big house and no one to clean it, similar to that in the movie "Cheaper by the Dozen". I imagined the kids running amok and then remembered Tom Welling who was the oldest kid and also plays Clark Kent in Smallville which I loovveee, did I mention he's a hottie? So thinking about Smallville for approximately another 12 mins recapping episodes in my head, I meandered on to pondering "I wonder who else watches this show and experiences the joy I do while watching?" and then I remembered how my Tax Law lecturer gave us tutorial questions with companies including "Luthor Corp" and "Clark Kent Enterprises" which I thought was waaaaay cool, then realised, "Oh s**t! My Tax Law homework questions are due tomorrow!" and proceeded to do them for the rest of the day, snacking in between on these quality oat cookies they were giving out for free to IKEA staff because they were overdue and before you ask my boyfriend works there. So naturally I got bored of homework and decided to pop online again to see if anyone worth talking to and voila! I saw you! So we talked about how you were and what you got up to, including work and playing golf then you asked me what I did today and here you have it! So yeah, today I kinda did nothing..."

See now that wasn't so hard was it?


Blogger greggie said...

hehe well you know how the saying goes, "love is in the details." I guess in your case "love" was the detail ;)
As for the boyfriend theory, drew, I was gonna keep us a secret but I guess you're sick of living in anna's shadow. World, meet Drew, my hunky-dorian "lova lova." Ey! Shaggy! (Sorry, any time "lova lova" is used it's the rule of thumb it be followed by "Ey! Shaggy" in a thick Jamaican accent)

Saturday, August 13, 2005 9:28:00 pm  

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