Thursday, August 11, 2005

Cold, Cold Day

Morning to you all.

I can't believe I got out of bed (willingly mind you) at 8:45am this morning! That's just ludicrous, unheard of in my world! I think it's the result of my early night last night - I slept at 12am! Aside from that I think other factors like waking up at 7:30am for 9:00am starts the last two mornings for 306-302 Enterprise Performance Management and work respectively have readjusted my body clock.

Anyway, HOW COLD WAS IT YESTERDAY?!?!?! The answer starts with an 'F' and ends in cold...

I remember getting into the car dreading the drive down towards uni, through the city then on another few kms to Albert Park because it was so damn cold. I then heard on the radio it was something like 4 degrees when I pulled up at work and that there might be a chance there would be snow in the CBD! Although it didn't turn out that way I prayed that I would get to see some snow, that would be one for the ages. Later in the day while driving to get something printed off for work, the radio weather announcer said that there'd definitely be snow flurries in South Melbourne! And I was just next to South Melbourne! But alas, 'twas not to be - lunchtime around 1pm I walked outside and the sun was streaking through. Stood there for a few seconds and felt the rays really warm me up, which meant no snow for me this time. Awwww...

Anyway, I still enjoyed the rest of the day, I think I realised sun is better than a dank, overcast day anyday, though it would've been really nice to get some snow. I got home and saw pics on the news of outer towns covered with a blanket of snow! Aw that would've been so sweet! I shouldn't complain though coz when I get to NYC it'll be in the midst of winter, snow and all, and there'll be cause to celebrate what with Christmas and NYE around the corner. Ooo can't wait!

Mm anyway it's only 9:15am now, might squeeze in a couple of Smallville eps! Haha omg I've seen 14 episodes in just over 2 nights. At about 45mins per ep, by my calculations that equates to 10.5hrs of Clark Kent and Lana Lang action! Maaann, I really need to start studying. Hmm but not before I squeeze in one or two more eps before I leave the house! Latersssss


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