Monday, August 08, 2005


Saw something interesting today, while at the Uni newsagent getting my paper, saw some fob-looking chick with a newspaper get stopped by the newsagent lady for not showing her newspaper card. Girl fishes around for it in her bag, and pulls out a pencil case, holding it up like the newspaper card! The newsagent lady turns for a second to serve another customer and the fob-girl then fully does a runner! Haha it was the funniest thing I've seen in a while, you should've seen how quick she got outta there, she really slinked it, the full bob-down a little and then ran off!

A few questions came to mind after I stopped chuckling.

- Do you really need a newspaper so bad that it's worth stealing?
- If you needed a newspaper, surely you'd have some friends who had a card.
- What was the deal with holding up the pencil case??

As evidenced, these and many more questions may go unanswered until the end of time. Till then, I'm just going to accept that fobs are just...odd.


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