Friday, August 05, 2005

True or False?

Had my first Principles of Marketing tutorial today with Dave and I must say, one of the more enjoyable tutes I've had in a while (who am I kidding, all tutorials have sucked!).

Anyway our tutor, Alexander asked us to state five things about ourselves but make one untrue. Realised the ethnic diversity in the class including a Vietnamese girl, Japanese chick, half-Chilean dude, chick from New York and a girl born in Dubai, but mainly found out some pretty interesting things about people;

Alexander our tutor...
- is a member of MENSA
- had a girlfriend who is an Indonesian movie star
- had someone killed (without his knowledge)
- won $60,000US from playing games
- bribed top level management of Petro (huge oil company)
- did NOT dive 106m below sea level - he later told us it was more like 40m

- had a shard of glass stuck in his ear for years
- walked across a set of traffic lights in a g-string
- busked in Southbank doing mime
- asked by a construction worker on the train if he'd like to suck his...
- did NOT deal amateur porn in high school (jury's still out on this one)

Mine were pretty tame in comparison...
- never broken a bone in my body
- was a ballboy at the Australian Open
- played the drums, piano, saxaphone, guitar and violin
- have three dogs, Kevin, Kevin Jnr (KJ) and Kevin Jnr Jnr (JJ)
- have nine trophies with eight of them being tennis ones

For most of you, it's pretty obvious which one the fake one is so here's a set made specially for you smarty-pants out there. Choose the false statement about me:
- watched Pulp Fiction 23 times
- remember 40+ ppls' birthdays for no reason at all
- committed credit card fraud
- won the spelling bees in Grade 5 through to Year 8
- served Tara Moss, Julie Andrews, Madeleine West, John Elliott and John Brumby during my years at David Jones
- attempted to steal (I prefer liberate myself but whatever) the student time capsule at Xavier College
- walked from the former Salt nightclub to Kew Junction after clubbing one night


Blogger greggie said...

hehe erm, as much as id like to say yes you're right drew, you're wrong...
for the purposes of an official statement to any law enforcement agency reading this, "i never did it"...err hmm yea so ahem yep okay next guess?

Saturday, August 06, 2005 1:17:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll vote for the spelling bee one.
Your a smart one. but spelling bee champ?? You're not that much a of a nerd?? Are you?

Saturday, August 06, 2005 1:33:00 pm  
Blogger greggie said...

haha and steve, you would be...(drum roll) correct! unfortunately for me, i always managed to get the highest score qualifying for the finals all four years BUT came 2nd for three years and third for one - yes feel sad for me! =(
*oh yea btw it should be "you're a smart one" hehe not "your" coz it's "you are" contracted and "your" implies owndership ;P haha hey gimme that at least, i didn't win the spelling bees!

Saturday, August 06, 2005 1:39:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! Wooot! I knew you were a crook! cc fraud? stealing a time capsule? That's sooo YOU!!

Saturday, August 06, 2005 1:48:00 pm  

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