Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Mm, I was told yesterday my blog isn't personal enough. And by personal I don't mean telling you guys that I line the toilet seat with toilet paper...even at home! Oops.

Anyway, what that person meant was the blog doesn't sound totally like me, her exact word was "restricted" which I understood as "inhibited" because somehow I don't talk about stuff that I like...? Mm yea I kinda don't get it but I kinda do so I'm just gonna write about whatever comes to my mind regardless of how weird and zany. Perhaps as odd as that Love 101 post I did not too long ago. I think the general jist is to blog about A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G even if it bores the crap outta y'all cozzz...it's my blog I guess!

So yesterday in my Corp Fi tute I noticed my PASS tutor use some interesting words:
- pear-shaped: the idea that something has just gone to s**t eg. "She was fine until she married a Scientologist and her thinking has gone a bit pear-shaped. Now she believes aliens implanted humans here on earth."
- crud-bucket: in a word, crap. eg. "The three hour EPM seminar is a crud-bucket of a class"

As I was thinking about these interesting terms, I remembered in high school we used the term "pill" to describe someone's haircut like, "His pill is really gay," pertaining to a fresh haircut. Wonder where that came from.

Hm yeah, so anyway I thought that was interesting.


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